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MongoDB mQE







Maintenance release



Adjusted queries to return NULL instead of an empty string.

List of affected features in this release:

1. Populate replicaset

2. Populate collection



Updated the Populate collection query to replace populated empty string with a NULL value.



Maintenance release



Added support for scanning MongoDB 2.6 sources with migVisor Metadata Collector (mMC).



Adjusted the Populate unhealthy instances query to populate the host of an unhealthy replica set member.



Added the Populate unhealthy instances query to populate instances in case one or more of their replica sets had an unhealthy member and became inaccessible.



Adjusted the Populate index query to accommodate for nullable results.



Added queries to collect MongoDB Source metrics, Features and Insights related data for MongoDB → MongoDB Atlas migration analysis.

List of new features in this release

1. 3rd Party Storage Engine - Detects if a source uses a different storage engine from "WiredTiger".

2. Client Authentication with Kerberos - Detects if the source system uses Kerberos (GSSAPI) authentication mechanism.

3. Client Authentication with x509 - Detects if scanned sources use X509 client certificates for authentication.

4. Custom Certificate Authority - Detects if the cluster is using a custom certificate authority.

5. Custom Role Count - Detects if a cluster has more than 100 custom roles

6. Delayed Replica Set Member - Detects if replica set members have a delay replication setting.

7. Disabled SSL - Detects if SSL protocol is disabled

8. Disabled TLS - Detects if TLS protocol is disabled

9. Even Number of Voting Replica Set Members - Detects if an odd number of voting members exists in the replica set

10. Hardware Storage Encryption - Detects if storage encryption at rest enabled

11. Hidden Replica Set member - Detects if one of the replica set members is configured as "hidden".

12. High Collection and Index Count - Detects if source system contains more than 100,000 collections and indexes

13. High Connection Limit - Detects if the source system has the TCP connection limit set above 128,000

14. High CPU Count - Detects if CPU count on source system hosts exceeds 96

15. High Replica Set Member Count - Detects if source system employs more than 3 data-bearing nodes per replica set

16. High Shard Count - Detects if the number of shards in the source system exceeds 50

17. High ulimit - Detects if the setting of maxOpenFiles is more than 1048576

18. Journaling Disabled - Detects if "Journaling" is disabled

19. Jumbo Chunks - Detects if "Jumbo chunk" exists in the source system. Jumbo chunks are not moved by the balancer and over time may cause asymmetric load, hot-spots, and performance issues.

20. Large Host Memory - Detects if the memory on any individual host of the cluster exceeds 360 GB

21. Large Storage Size - Detects if storage on any individual host of the cluster exceeds 4 TB

22. Minimum Migration Tool supported version - Detects if mongod versions are below 2.6

23. No Authentication - Detects if source system does not have authentication enabled

24. Non-MongoDB Distribution - Identifies if the MongoDB distribution is 3d party (e.g Percona)

25. Old MongoDB Version - Identifies if any instance in the cluster has a version below 4.0.0

26. Shard Storage Size - Detects if one of the shards has more than 2TB of data

27. Short Oplog Time Span - Identifies if oplog time span from earliest to latest recorded operation is short compared to the data size on the instance.

28. Single Data-Bearing Node - Identifies if any replica set in the system running with only one configured host

29. SSL Enabled - Identifies if SSL protocol is enabled in the system

30. Standalone Instance - Identifies if the scanned MongoDB source is a standalone server.

31. Standalone Shard - Identifies if any shard in the system running with only one configured host

32. Storage Compatibility Level Flag - Detects if storage compatibility flag is being set.

33. Suspicious Replica Set Vote Setting - Detects if one or more Replica Set members in the source system are configured with a vote setting that isn't 0 or 1. Replica Set members ideally have exactly 1 or 0 votes only.

34. Tag Aware Sharding - Detects if one or more shards in the system have tags.

35. Unbalanced Sharded Collection - Identifies sharded collections with uneven distribution of data between shards.

36. Unbalanced Shards - Detects shards with significantly more data than others.

37. Unhealthy Replica Set - Detects replica sets whose members are not reachable or recovering.

38. Unsupported Authentication Mechanism - Identifies if the scanned system has deprecated MONGODB-CR authentication mechanism in configuration.

39. User Count Per Cluster - Detects if user count in source cluster exceeds 100 users

40. User Count Per Database - Detects if user count in one of the databases in the cluster exceeds 100 users

41. WiredTiger Storage Encryption - Detects if WiredTiger storage encryption is enabled.

42. Minimum Migration Tool supported version - Identifies if the version of mongo instances has version below 2.6 The MongoDB Atlas Live Migrate tool does not support versions below 2.6

43. Live Migrate requires SCRAM - Identifies if either SCRAM-SHA1 or SCRAM-SHA256 authentication mechanisms is enabled. MongoDB Atlas Live Migrate requires one of them.

44. Live Migration Support on Cluster Version - Detects if source system version is below version 3.6 and is potentially supported by MongoDB Live Migrate tool.

45. Auditing Enabled - Detects if auditing is enabled in the source system.



Maintenance release

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