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Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Added queries to identify the following features for AlloyDB migration insights:

List of new features in this release

1. CHECK Constraints - Identifies the usage of DDL elements that are not automatically converted by the schema conversion utility.

2. Max Database Size - Identifies when the maximum storage limit per cluster has been exceeded.



Adjusted queries to improve and refine the data collection results.

List of affected features in this release

1. BTree Indexes

2. GCP DMS parameters incorrect settings

3. HASH Indexes

4. Spanner Indexes Per Database Limit



Adjusted queries to improve and refine the data collection results.

List of affected features in this release

1. BINLOG, bytes

2. Encryption option

3. Load Data Infile

4. Number of analytic queries per schema

5. Number of index access queries per schema

6. Number of unique queries

7. Query Result Cache



Added a new CPU Time % for query execution query to gather MySQL workload information.



Added queries to gather PostgreSQL workload.

List of new features in this release

1. Memory utilization by queries, bytes

2. Current allocated memory (Bytes)

3. BINLOG, byte

4. Max Transaction Time, sec

5. Too long queries

6. DELETE count

7. INSERT count

8. SELECT count

9. UPDATE count

10. DELETED rows count

11. INSERTED rows count

12. UPDATED rows count



Added queries to determine "Read IOPS" and "Write IOPS" metrics.

List of new features in this release

1. Physical reads, operations

2. Physical writes, operations

(aka v8)


Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. SPHINX Storage Engine - Identifies tables with the "SPHINX" storage engine. For more details, please refer to

2. HANDLERSOCKET - Identifies the usage of HandlerSocket - a MySQL plugin that implements a NoSQL protocol for MySQL.

3. MySQL Extension - Identifies the usage of MySQL extensions by detecting these extensions in all possible objects (procedures, functions, events, triggers, and views) and skips the developer's comments.

Adjusted queries to improve and refine data collection results.

List of affected features in this release

1. Query Hints - Expanded the coverage to detect SQL optimizer hints in all possible objects (procedures, functions, events, triggers, and views) and skip query comments.

2. ON DELETE-ON UPDATE actions - Detect constraints that have ON DELETE/ON UPDATE actions to improve accuracy.

3. GCP Unsupported settings - Updated MySQL 8.0 queries to be in par with other versions.

(aka v7)


Maintenance release

(aka v6)


Adjusted the Load Data Infile query that finds statement executions of LOAD DATA / SELECT OUTFILE syntax.

(aka v6)


Adjusted the BTree Indexes query to make it return index names instead of a counter.
Added a new HASH Indexes query to get a list of HASH indexes.

(aka v6)


Adjusted the GCP DMS parameters incorrect settings that finds instance settings which require attention in order to use Google DMS service.

(aka v6)


Adjusted the Tables without PK quantity query that identifies number of tables which do not have Primary Key constraint.

(aka v5)


Maintenance release

(aka v5)


Maintenance release

(aka v4)


Maintenance release

(aka v3)


Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. ASC-DESC SORT terms in a View - Identifies views which contain ORDER BY keyword with NULLS option.
2. BTree Indexes - identifies tables which contain Btree/Hash indexes and their ratio.
3. DATE-TIMESTAMP with timezone data types - Identifies schemas with tables which contain TIMESTAMP data type.
4. DECIMAL, NUMERIC data types - Identifies tables in a current database which contain numeric fields and checks their precision concerning Spanner limits.
5. DECODE SQL Functions in a View - Identifies views which contain DECODE() SQL function.
6. Database ID length - Identifies the length of Database ID and checks it concerning Spanner limits.
7. GUID-UUID Data Types - identifies tables with fields which contain GUID/UUID datatypes/values.
8. Invisible Columns - Identifies tables in a current schema which contain Invisibles Columns.
9. LAG() SQL Function in a View - Identifies views which contain LAG() SQL function.
10.LATERAL keyword in a View - Identifies views which contain LATERAL keyword.
11. Added query NOW() SQL Function in a View - Identifies views which contain NOW() SQL function.
12. ON DELETE-ON UPDATE actions - Identifies schemas and tables which contain foreign keys with ON DELETE/ON UPDATE option.
13. Quantity of indexes per Table - Identifies if quantity of indexes per table doesn't exceed 32 Spanner limit.
14. RANK() SQL Function in a View - Identifies views which contain RANK() SQL function.
15. ROLLUP GROUP modifier in a View' - Identifies views which contain ROLLUP GROUP SQL operator.
16. ROW() SQL Function in a View - Identifies views which contain ROW() SQL Function.
17. ROW_NUMBER() SQL Function in a View - Identifies views which contain ROW_NUMBER() SQL operator.
18. Column Length Exceeding 10MB - Identifies tables in a current database which contain text fields with data lentgh more then 10000 bytes (10Mb)
19. Fractional Option in Time Data Types - Identifies tables and fields which contain DATE/TIME data types with fractional option.
20. TRUNCATE() SQL Function in a View - Identifies views which contain TRUNCATE() SQL Function.
21. Time with time zone data type - Identifies schemas with tables which contain TIME data type.
22. Window SQL Functions in a View - Identifies views which contain Window SQL Function.
23. ARCHIVE Storage Engine - Identifies schemas with tables which use ARCHIVE Storage Engine.
24. BLACKHOLE Storage Engine - Identifies schemas with tables which use BLACKHOLE Storage Engine.
25. CSV Storage Engine - Identifies schemas with tables which use CSV Storage Engine.
26. Custom pluggable storage engine - Identifies schemas with tables which use CUSTOM Storage Engine.
27. Database flashback - Identifies MySQL server for Database flashback option.
28. EXAMPLE Storage Engine - Identifies schemas with tables which use EXAMPLE Storage Engine.
29. Encryption option - Identifies schemas and storages which use Encryption DB option.
30. Enterprise Audit - Identifies if Enterprise Audit option is activated/used on MySQL server.
31. Transparent Data Encryption - Identifies if Transparent Data Encryption option is activated/used on MySQL server.
32. External Libraries - Identifies existing External Libraries and loadable functions.
33. Full-Text Search Functions - Identifies indexes of Full TEXT Search option.
34. Golden Gate - Identifies if Golden Gate installed on MySQL server.
35. Logical Replication - Identifies MySQL server for Logical Replication option.
36. MERGE Storage Engine - Identifies schemas with tables which use MERGE Storage Engine.
37. Spanner Tables Per Database Limit - Identifies schemas which have more than 5000 tables.
38. Spanner Views Per Database Limit - Identifies schemas which have more than 5000 views.
39. MyISAM Storage Engine - Identifies schemas with tables which use MyISAM Storage Engine.
40. Query Result Cache - Identifies Query Result Cache option's status and settings.
41. Streaming Replication - Identifies Streaming Replication option's status and settings.
42. UNIQUE Constraint - Identifies schemas with tables which contains Unique Keys and doesn't contain Primary Key.
43. Cursors Inside Stored Procedures - Identifies stored modules which use cursors.
44. Compressed Tables - Identifies tables in a current schema which use data compression.
45. Database Collation - Identifies database's collation settings
46. Server Collation - Identifies server's collation settings
47. Error Handling - Identifies stored modules which contains Error Handling operators.
48. Index Key Size - Identifies size of used indexes and checks it's concerning Spanner limits.
49. Columns per Table - Identifies quantity of columns in the table and checks it concerning Spanner limits.
50. Databases per Instance - Identifies quantity of databases in the instance and checks it concerning Spanner limits.
51. Joins per Query in View - Identifies quantity of joins in the view and checks it concerning Spanner limits.
52. Unions per Query in View - Identifies quantity of unions in the view and checks it concerning Spanner limits.
53. Spanner Indexes Per Database Limit - Identifies schemas which have more than 10000 indexes.

(aka v2)


Maintenance release

(aka v1)


Maintenance release - Split query file based on Source DB Engine



Maintenance release



Adjusted queries to optimize their output format.

List of affected features in this release

1. Tables without PK - identifies tables which do not have Primary Key constraint.

2. MySQL version lower 5.5 - identifies if database version is lower than 5.5.

3. GCP DMS parameters incorrect settings - identifies if source database parameters meet GCP DMS service prerequisites.

4. Routines with DEFINER security - identifies routines created with the DEFINER clause.

5. Views with DEFINER security - identifies views created with the DEFINER clause.



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Adjusted queries to include a search of code patterns in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS view.

List of affected features in this release

1. Load Data Outfile
2. Load Data Dumpfile
3. CONNECT BY Expression
4. LEAST Expression
5. Load Data Infile
6. Create table as Select
7. GREATEST Expression
8. High Lines Code Count
9. Timezone Functions
10. Medium Lines Code Count
11. Session-Level Transaction Isolation
12. GCP Unsupported Mix transactions
13. Low Lines Code Count
14. GCP Unsupported statements
15. Query Hints



Added support for scanning MySQL 5.5 sources with migVisor Metadata Collector (mMC).



Maintenance release



Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. Tables without PK - identifies tables which do not have Primary Key constraint.

2. MySQL version lower 5.5 - identifies if database version is lower than 5.5.

3. GCP DMS parameters incorrect settings - identifies if source database parameters meet GCP DMS service prerequisites.

4. Routines with DEFINER security - identifies routines created with the DEFINER clause.

5. Views with DEFINER security - identifies views created with the DEFINER clause.

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