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Specific Instructions *



migVisor provides basic instructions, which can be used as a base when planning to scan a DB2 LUW source using the mMC.

Running the script on different operation systems

For each of the listed operating systems, follow these steps to create a privileged user specific to the corresponding system:

1. Create User


As an administrator, create a user named 'mig_user' at the operating system level. If lacking the necessary permissions, contact your DB2 LUW server administrator for assistance. Set the user's password.

--Windows PowerShell
$password = Read-Host "Enter password for user mig_user" -AsSecureString
New-LocalUser -Name "mig_user" -Password $password -Description "DB2 LUW user for MigVisor application"


With root authority, create a user 'mig_user' at the operating system level. If lacking root authority, seek assistance from the DB2 LUW server administrator. Set the user's password.

adduser mig_user
passwd mig_user


With root authority, create a user 'mig_user' at the operating system level. If lacking root authority, contact your DB2 LUW server administrator for assistance. Set the user's password.

mkuser mig_user
passwd mig_user

2. Grant SYSMON authority to the mig_user

Log in as the DB2 LUW instance owner user and execute:

db2 update dbm cfg using SYSMON_GROUP mig_user

NOTE: If the group name with system monitor (SYSMON) authority is already defined, just add the created user to this group, in this case the next step "Restart DB2 LUW" section is not needed.

3. Restart DB2 LUW

Forcefully stop and start the DB2 LUW instance:

db2stop force; db2start

4. Run SQL Script

Execute the SQL script from the 'Getting Started Scripts' section against each database intended for scanning.



migVisor provides a read-only user creation script, which can be used as a base when planning to scan a MongoDB cluster using the mMC.

Running the script on different topologies

  1. Standalone: run on the instance itself.

  2. Replicaset: run on the PRIMARY instance.

  3. Sharded cluster: run on a "mongos" instance.

Running the script on a sharded cluster topology

In order to scan a sharded cluster, the user connecting to the cluster needs to be created with a proper role on "mongos" and every PRIMARY instance of every shard in the cluster.
Notice: When scanning with the root user and root role, there is no need to use this script.


  1. User creation script to execute on "mongos":

  2. A user with clusterAdmin access to run the script which can connect to all nodes (all nodes need to be accessible to the client where you run the script).


  1. Edit the user creation script as follows:

    1. User information to create for mMC
      USER_NAME default value "migVisor"
      USER_PASSWORD default value "Password123"

    2. Admin user that is running this script - must have privileges to create roles and users and list shards.
      ADMIN_USER default value "root"
      ADMIN_PASSWORD default value "root"

    3. Provide role name for migVisor user
      MIGVISOR_ROLE default value "migVisorRole"

  2. Copy the script to the MongoDB server.

  3. Connect to "mongos" using mongo shell and execute the load command to run the script, e.g.


    Notice: Requires an absolute path

  4. Verify that the user and user role got created successfully.

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