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Source Details

The Source Details page shows informational items about the current source, regardless of the target.

The details listed are grouped into three areas:


Lists information helping identify the scanned source/instance being analyzed on this page.


Lists information helping to understand the computing resources used by the source.


Lists key dimensional details that help understand the scale or operational characteristics of the source.

The content of each area varies by the source database engine type:

Details DB2 LUW.png

The parameters shown for DB2 LUW are:






Name or IP address of the server that hosts the source database.

Instance Name

Name of the database instance.

Database Name

Name of the source database.

Database Version

Version of the source database.


OS architecture of the host on which the database is running.


Edition of the source database version.


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Number of Cores

Number of CPU cores.

Derived using the CPU_TOTAL column in the ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES table.

Server RAM

Server memory available on the host where the DB is running.

Derived using the MEMORY_TOTAL column in the ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES() table function.

Allocated Instance Memory

Server memory allocated for the database.

Derived using the MAX_MEMBER_MEM column in the ADMIN_GET_MEM_USAGE table function.

Allocated Database Memory

Amount of memory that is currently being used by a database.

Derived from the SUM of values using the MEMORY_SET_SIZE column in the MON_GET_MEMORY_SET table function.

Allocated Application Memory

Maximum amount of memory that can be allocated to service application requests.

Derived from the SUM of values using the MEMORY_SET_SIZE column where MEMORY_SET_TYPE is application from the MON_GET_MEMORY_SET table function.

Allocated Database Storage

Disk space used by the database data files.

Derived from the SUM of values using the TBSP_TOTAL_PAGES and TBSP_PAGE_SIZE columns in the MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function.

Utilized Database Storage

Amount of storage space that is currently being used by the database.

Derived from the SUM of values using the TBSP_USED_PAGES and TBSP_PAGE_SIZE columns in the MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function.

High Availability

High availability is configured for the source database.


Instance Uptime Prior to Analysis

Number of days the database was running since it was last restarted.

Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

Details HBase.png

The parameters shown for HBase are:





HBase Cluster Id

HBase cluster unique Id as reported by the HBase ClusterId metric.

HBase Version

HBase version as reported by the HBaseVersion metric.

ZooKeeper Quorum

ZooKeeper quorum address, as detected in configuration entry hbase.zookeeper.quorum.

Cluster Key

Key that can be used to add this current cluster as a replication peer by another HBase cluster using the add_peer() command.


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


ZooKeeper Base Path

Root node of this cluster in ZooKeeper, as detected in configuration entry zookeeper.znode.parent.

Load Balancer

LoadBalancer class used by the HMaster, as detected in configuration entry hbase.master.loadbalancer.class.

Access Control

Access Control is enabled or disabled for the source database.

HBase Root Directory

Path to the HBase root directory on the underlying Hadoop cluster.

HDFS Space Consumed

Bytes used across HDFS, accounting for replication. This includes all HDFS data stored under the HBase root folder in Hadoop, counting all replicated blocks. Copies / replicas of files are included in this value.

HDFS Space Remaining

Remaining potentially free space across HDFS.


Number of Regions

Number of regions across the cluster.

Balancer Enabled

Balancer is enabled or disabled for the source database.

Load Average

Average number of regions per RegionServer. Naïve computation as reported by the AverageLoad metric.

Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.


MongoDB may be deployed in three different topologies: Replica Set, Sharded Cluster, and Standalone.

The parameters available under each of these detected topologies differ based on the characteristics and availability of information for each topology.

Replica Set

Details MongoDB.png

The parameters shown for a MongoDB Replica Set are:





Cluster ID

Cluster unique identifier.


Deployment topology. “Replica Set” for Replica Sets.

Cluster Name

User-defined cluster name provided during the scan.

Binary Versions

mongod version(s). If mongod versions vary, then the earliest and latest ones are shown.

Replica Set Id

Id of this Replica Set.


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Host Count

Number of unique hosts on which the Replica Set is deployed.

Instance Count

Number of mongod processes participating in this Replica Set.

Shard Count

Not applicable for Replica Sets.

Data Size

Total size of data stored by MongoDB.

Size on Disk

Total size of (compressed) data in files stored on disk by MongoDB.

Database Count

Number of user-defined databases.

Collection Count

Number of user-defined collections.

Index Count

Number of indexes across all user-defined collections.


Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

Oplog Size

Size (bytes) of the oplog.

Oplog Windows

Current oplog window in terms of time. This measures the difference between the oldest and the newest oplog entry.

Sharded Cluster

MongoDB parameters for the Sharded deployment topology

The parameters shown for a MongoDB Sharded Cluster are:





Cluster ID

Cluster unique identifier.


Deployment topology. “Sharded” for sharded clusters.

Cluster Name

User-defined cluster name provided during the scan.

Balancer Enabled

Balancer is enabled or disabled for the source database.

Binary Versions

mongod version(s). If mongod versions vary, then the earliest and latest ones are shown.

Tag/Region Aware Sharding

Tag/Region aware sharding detection status.


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Host Count

Number of unique hosts on which mongod processes are deployed.

Instance Count

Number of mongod processes participating in this sharded cluster. Does not include mongos processes.

Shard Count

Number of shards in this cluster.

Data Size

Total size of data stored by MongoDB across all primary members. This effectively is the size of data stored in all user-defined collections and of non-user-defined collections that are located in user-defined databases.

Size on Disk

Total size of (compressed) data in files stored on disk by MongoDB across all primary members.

Database Count

Number of user-defined databases.

Collection Count

Number of user-defined collections.

Index Count

Number of indexes across all user-defined collections.


Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

Oplog Size

Size (bytes) of the oplog.

Oplog Windows

Current oplog window in terms of time. This measures the difference between the oldest and the newest oplog entry.


In the standalone topology, there is only one mongod process.

If there is a single instance is configured as a single-member Replica Set, then it will show up as a Replica Set, not a Standalone.

MongoDB parameters for the Standalone deployment topology

The parameters shown for a MongoDB Standalone server are:





Cluster ID

Cluster unique identifier.


Deployment topology. “Standalone” for stand-alone clusters.

Cluster Name

User-defined cluster name provided during the scan.

Binary Versions

mongod version.


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Data Size

Total size of data stored by MongoDB.

Size on Disk

Total size of (compressed) data in files stored on disk by MongoDB.

Database Count

Number of user-defined databases.

Collection Count

Number of user-defined collections.

Index Count

Number of indexes across all user-defined collections.


Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

Details MySQL.png

The parameters shown for MySQL are:






Name or IP address of the server that hosts the source database.

Instance Name

Name of the database instance.

Database Name

Name of the source database.

Database Version

Version of the source database.


OS architecture of the host on which the database is running.


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Number of Cores

Number of virtual CPU cores.

This number is based on various parameters gathered from system views, such as innodb_purge_threads, innodb_read_io_threads, and innodb_write_io_threads.

Prior to MySQL 5.6, innodb_purge_threads, innodb_read_io_threads, and innodb_write_io_threads were not available. migVisor also considers innodb_thread_concurrency if it has a non-zero value. Otherwise, an assumed CPU Core Count of 8 Cores is used.

Server RAM

Server memory available on the host where the DB is running.

Our calculations take into account different parameters, derived from system views, such as key_buffer_size, query_cache_size, innodb_buffer_pool_size, innodb_log_buffer_size, max_connections, read_buffer_size, read_rnd_buffer_size, sort_buffer_size, join_buffer_size, binlog_cache_size, thread_stack, and tmp_table_size.

Once we get an estimation based on these parameters, 30% is added as a buffer.

Allocated Instance Memory

Server memory allocated for the database.

This number is based on various parameters gathered from system views, such as key_buffer_size, query_cache_size, innodb_buffer_pool_size, innodb_log_buffer_size, max_connections, read_buffer_size, read_rnd_buffer_size, sort_buffer_size, join_buffer_size, binlog_cache_size, thread_stack, and tmp_table_size.

Allocated Database Storage

Disk space used by the database data files.


Database Uptime Prior to Analysis

Number of days the database was running since it was last restarted.

Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

Scan Mode

Scan mode used in mMC: Extended or Regular.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

Details Oracle.png

The parameters shown for Oracle are:






Name or IP address of the server that hosts the source database.

Container Name

Name of the Oracle CDB.

Available for pluggable databases only.

Instance Name

Name of the database instance.

Database Name

Name of the source database.

Database Version

Version of the source database.


Name of the database edition.


OS architecture of the host on which the database is running.

Displays (Physical) or (Virtual) if configured in Source Management.

Pluggable DB

Indication of whether the database is pluggable (PDB).


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Unique identifier assigned to the database instance at creation time to distinguish between different databases in the cluster or on the same server.


Number of Cores

Count of virtual CPU cores.

Specifies the number of CPU threads available for the instance. Derived from the CPU_COUNT setting in the V$PARAMETER view. 

Number of CPUs

Count of CPUs.

Server RAM

Server memory available on the host where the database is running.

Specifies the physical memory in GB available on the server. Derived from the PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES statistic metric in the V$OSSTAT view.

PGA size

Amount of server memory allocated for the database in addition to SGA. This memory contains session-dependent variables required by a dedicated or shared server process.

Allocated Memory (SGA)

Server memory allocated for the database. This read/write memory area along with the background processes form a database instance.

Allocated Database Storage

Disk space used by the database data files.


Database Uptime Prior to Analysis

Number of days the database was running since it was last restarted.

Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

Workload Repository

Type of the repository selected for the database scan: AWR, Statspack, or Dynamic Views.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

Collection Period

Metadata collection period configured in mMC Preferences.

When selecting Dynamic Views as a workload repository, the Scan Duration value is used as the collection period.

Oracle RAC
Oracle RAC.png

The parameters shown for Oracle RAC are:






Count of servers.

Container Name

Name of the Oracle CDB.

Available for pluggable databases only.

Instance Name

Count of instances.

Database Name

Name of the source database.

Database Version

Version of the source database.


Name of the database edition.


OS architecture of the host on which the database is running.

Displays (Physical) or (Virtual) if configured in Source Management.

Pluggable DB

Indication of whether the database is pluggable (PDB).


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Unique identifier assigned to the database instance at creation time to distinguish between different databases in the cluster or on the same server.


Number of Cores

Aggregated count of virtual CPU cores at the cluster level.

Number of CPUs

Aggregated count of CPUs at the cluster level.

Server RAM

Sum of the server RAM from all instances.

PGA Size

Sum of the PGA size from all instances.

Allocated Memory (SGA)

Sum of the allocated memory (SGA) from all instances.

Allocated Database Storage

Disk space used by the database data files.


Database Uptime Prior to Analysis

Sum of Uptime Prior to Analysis from all instances.

Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

Workload Repository

Repository type selected for the database scan: AWR, Statspack, or Dynamic Views.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

Collection Period

Metadata collection period configured in mMC Preferences.

When selecting Dynamic Views as a workload repository, the Scan Duration value is used as the collection period.

Details PG.png

The parameters shown for PostgreSQL are:






Name or IP address of the server that hosts the source database.

Instance Name

Name of the database instance.

Database Name

Name of the source database.

Database Version

Version of the source database.


OS architecture of the host on which the database is running.


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Number of Cores

Number of virtual CPU cores.

This number is based on various parameters gathered from system views, such as max_worker_processes and max_parallel_workers .
Prior to PostgreSQL 9.4, max_worker_processes and max_parallel_workers were not available. An assumed CPU Core Count of 8 Cores is shown for those earlier versions.

Server RAM

Server memory available on the host on which the database is running.

This number is based on various parameters gathered from system views, such as shared_buffers, work_mem , max_connections, maintenance_work_mem, effective_cache_size, and block_size.

This calculated size is padded 30% as a buffer, in order to support sizing for real-world requirements.

Prior to PostgreSQL 8.1, block_size was not available. An assumed block size of 8K is used to compute this metric for earlier versions.

Allocated Instance memory

Server memory allocated for the database.

This number is based on various parameters gathered from system views, such as shared_buffers, work_mem , max_connections, maintenance_work_mem, effective_cache_size, and block_size.

Prior to PostgreSQL 8.1, block_size was not available. An assumed block size of 8K is used to compute this metric for earlier versions.

Allocated Database Storage

Disk space used by the database data files.


Database Uptime Prior to Analysis

Number of days the database was running since it was last restarted.

Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

Scan Mode

Scan mode used in mMC: Extended or Regular.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

SQL Server
Details SQL Server.png

The parameters shown for SQL Server are:






Name or IP address of the server that hosts the source database.

Instance Name

Name of the database instance.

Database Name

Name of the source database.

Database Version

Version of the source database.


Name of the database edition.


OS architecture of the host on which the database is running.

Displays (Physical) or (Virtual).

Product Major Version

Major version portion of the ‘ProductVersion’ property.

Product Minor Version

Minor version portion of the ‘ProductVersion’ property.

Always On availability groups

Always On availability is enabled or disabled for the source database.

Always On availability groups status

Always On's current runtime status (running, not started, or failed).


Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.


Unique identifier assigned to each database at creation time to distinguish between different databases in the instance.


Number of Cores

Number of virtual CPU cores.

Specifies the number of CPU threads available for the database. Derived from the CPU_COUNT setting in the dm_os_sys_info view. 

Number of CPUs

Count of CPUs.

Server RAM

Server memory available on the host where the database is running.

Specifies the physical memory in GB available on the server. Derived from the total_physical_memory_kb statistic metric in the dm_os_sys_memory view.

Allocated Instance Memory

Server memory allocated for the instance.

Allocated Database Memory

Server memory allocated for the database.

Allocated Database Storage

Disk space used by the database data files.


Database Uptime Prior to Analysis

Number of days the database was running since it was last restarted.

Data Collection Date

Date on which the database scan was run.

mQE Version

Version of the Query Definitions file that was used by the mMC to collect the data.

mMC Version

Version of the migVisor Metadata Collector used to run the scan.

Collection Period

Scan duration that was configured in mMC for the database scan if Extended scan was enabled.

Banner (Oracle, SQL Server)

The Banner section highlights the database key identity characteristics, such as type, edition, version, and security patch level.

The section is displayed when the relevant information is available.


The Banner section

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