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Source Topology

Applicable to MongoDB and HBase only.

The Topology section describes one or more process instances that form the source cluster.

This section displays the host-specific information about the instances and features associated directly with each instance.

Databases clusters relying on multi-node topologies show the various nodes that participate in the cluster and include node-specific details.


Instances represent processes that participate in the cluster database operation or runtime management thereof.

The instance item headers display:

  1. The instance role in the cluster

  2. The host and port that the process is listening on

  3. An icon that represents the instance role.

The Instance panel contains two tabs:

  • The Details tab includes engine-specific information about the instance or host.

  • The Features tab includes detected features that are directly related to the specific instance. When a target is selected for the current source, the icon color represents the relative impact of the feature.
    The Features tab is convenient for analyzing the feature impact on the whole score. The section also includes advisory and location details.

MongoDB Topology

For MongoDB sources, the following topologies are available:

Standalone topology (a single mongod process with no oplog)

MongoDB Standalone.png

Replica Set topology

MongoDB Sharded.png

Sharded topology

MongoDB Replica Set.png

The displayed instances include mongod and mongos processes.

The presence of the mongos instance is detected based on Mongo’s internal tracking. They may reflect stale or occasionally connected processes which are no longer active in the cluster.

Topology Icons

For MongoDB, instance roles are represented by the following icons:


Standalone cluster.


Shard in the sharded cluster topology.


Config server in the sharded cluster.


Mongos query router in the sharded cluster.


Data-bearing member in the replica set.


Replica set arbiter.


The displayed fields in the Details tab depend on the instance’s role in the cluster:



Replica Set

CPU Count - Virtual












OS Type




OS Version




CPU Architecture




Disk Free Bytes








Storage Engine




Binary Version




Authorization Enabled




Encryption Enabled




TLS/SSL Enabled




Shard ID




Replica Set Id




Oplog Time Span (sec)




When multiple instances run on the same host, the host-related values are the same. The system does not divide the measurement across the instances on the single host.


The Details tab for MongoDB

HBase Topology

For HBase sources, mConsole displays a single topology. The instance roles of an HBase topology include HMaster, Region Server, and HMaster Backup.

Topology Icons




Region server.


HMaster backup.


The displayed fields in the Details tab depend on the instance’s role in the cluster:



HMaster Backup

Region Server

Balancer Enabled




Default Max Versions




Coprocessors Enabled




Table Coprocessors Enabled




TCP Port








TCP Port




Region Count




Used Heap Size




Requests Per Second




Store File Index Size




Uncompressed Store File Index Size




Uncompressed Store File Size




Store File Count




Total Uncompressed Store File Size




Total Store File Size




When multiple instances run on the same host, the host-related values are the same - no attempt is made to divide the measurement across the instances on that single host.

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