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SQL Server mQE







Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release
  • IOPS – Identifies the IOPS metric for TCO sizing.

  • Database Details – Provides the main identity characteristics of the database, such as type, edition, version, and security patch level.

  • Internal Database Identifier – Identifies the unique identifier assigned to the database instance at creation time.

  • CPU utilization (Extended) – Identifies the statistics of CPU utilization during extended scan.

  • Enterprise Edition Features – Identifies features available in the database Enterprise edition.

  • Architecture Layout – Identifies whether the database host is virtual or physical.

  • Tables Indexes – Identifies the tables indexes in the database.

  • Memory Usage (Extended) – Identifies the Memory Usage metric during extended scan.

  • IOPS (Extended) – Identifies the IOPS metric during extended scan.

  • IO Throughput (Extended) – Identifies IO Throughput metric during extended scan.

  • Disk Space (Extended) – Identifies Disk Space metric during extended scan.

  • Backup Size (Extended) – Identifies the Backup Size metric during extended scan.

  • CPU Core Count – Identifies the number of CPU cores in the database host.

  • Instance Database Count – Identifies the number of databases in the instance.

  • Instance Storage Size – Identifies data storage size in the instance.



Updated the Allocated Instance Memory query to retrieve the current memory usage of the SQL Server instance instead of the configured maximum memory allowed.



Added queries to identify the following features for SQL Server sources:

List of new features in this release

1. Max Instance Memory - Identifies the maximum memory usage at the Instance level.

2. Resource Defined Limit - Identifies the maximum memory allowed to be utilized in the Instance.



Added a query to identify the Allocated Database Memory feature for SQL Server sources.



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Adjusted the Total Database File Storage Allocated (MB) query to better handle large values.



Maintenance release



Adjusted the Max Database Size query to better handle large values.



Adjusted the Top Total Worker Time for entire instance query for increased resiliency in cases of loaded systems with high number of workers.



Added queries to identify the following features for AlloyDB migration insights:

List of new features in this release

1. Max Database Size - Identifies when the maximum storage limit per cluster has been exceeded.

2. Striim Supported SQL Server Sources - Identifies the SQL Server versions that are supported by Striim.

3. Tables Not Tracked By CDC - Identifies tables with no current CDC jobs found.

Adjusted the Check Constraints query which identifies the usage of DDL elements that are not automatically converted by the schema conversion utility for AlloyDB migration insights.



Added a new query to identify the Tables without PK feature.



Added a new query to identify the Linked Servers Used by DB feature.



Adjusted the addon_instance_workload_full_scans query to avoid failures in cases where an invalid parameter length is passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING functions.

(aka v12)


Maintenance release

(aka v11)


Maintenance release

(aka v10)


Maintenance release

(aka v9)


Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. User Authentication Type - Lists users and their authentication types.
2. Users and granted roles - Lists users and their roles.

(aka v8)


Updated the Connected Applications query to replace the deprecated sys.sysprocesses view with sys.dm_exec_sessions.

(aka v7)


Maintenance release

(aka v6)


Maintenance release

(aka v5)


Maintenance release

(aka v4)


Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. Attach Database - Identifies user-created procedures used for databases attachment or detachment.
2. Cross Database - Identifies objects that refer to other objects in different databases outside of the current one.
3. Cross Instance - Identifies objects that refer to other objects in a remote instance.
4. Ole Automation - Identifies if the Ole Automation Procedures option is enabled.
5. OPENQUERY - Identifies if the user-created procedures use OPENQUERY function.
6. Query Notifications - Identifies if the query notifications feature is in use.
7. Semantic Search - Identifies if the user created procedures using the Statistical Semantic Search feature.

(aka v3)


Adjusted queries to improve data gathering and provide more precise information.

List of affected features in this release

1. Approximate query processing - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
2. Clustered Indexes - Remove comment from query.
3. Database compatibility level - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
4. CTE Replaced - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
5. CTE Views - System view replaced with lower case name.
6. Graph tables - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
7. ODBC Functions - System view replaced with lower case name.
8. Database Triggers - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
9. Partitioning - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
10. clustered Primary Keys - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
11. SQL_Variant Data Types - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
12. UTF-8 character - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
13. BIT Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
14. Datetime2 Data Types - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
15. Datetime Data Types - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
16. Geography Data Types - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
17. Geometry Data Types - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
18. Binary Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
19. Ntext Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
20. Smalldatetime Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
21. Sysname Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
22. Text Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
23. Unique Identifier Data Types - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
24. Max Varchar and Nvarchar - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
25. Approximate query processing - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
26. Sql server alert - Adjusted filter to get more accurate results.
27. Graph database shortest path - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
28. Partitioned Graph tables - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
29. Contains Predicate - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
30. CURSOR OPTIMISTIC - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
31. Datetimeoffset Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
32. Dynamic Cursor - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
33. Dateadd Functions - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
34. Freetext Predicate - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
35. Getutcdate function - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
36. Global Cursor - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
37. GOTO Option - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
38. Group By Cube Extension - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
39. Group By Grouping Extension - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
40. Group By Rollup Extension - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
41. Hierarchyid Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
42. Image Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
43. Instead of Trigger - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
44. JSON System Function - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
45. Money Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
46. Raiserror operator - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
47. Rowcount function - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
48. SCHEMABINDING Option - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
49. Scope Identity function - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
50. CURSOR SCROLL_LOCKS - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
51. Language extensions - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
52. Smallmoney Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
53. Checksum_agg - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
54. Xp_cmdshell - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
55. Count_Big - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
56. Cross Apply - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
57. Merge - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
58. Stored Procedures Using Open datasource - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
59. Outer Apply - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
60. Table Variable - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
61. Tinyint Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
62. Varbinary Data Type - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
63. SQL_Variant Data Types - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
64. View Metadata Option - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
65. Temporary Tables - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
66. XML Data Types - Adjusted headers for returned columns.
67. Linked Servers - Adjusted filter condition to get more accurate results.
68. PolyBase Usage - Adjusted filter condition to get more accurate results.

(aka v2)


Adjusted queries to improve data gathering and provide more precise information.

 List of affected features in this release.

1. Linked Servers - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
2. Restore database - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
3. SQL_Variant Data Types - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
4. Stored Procedures - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
5. User Defined Table Functions - SQL Server 2012 and above mark table-value function with "TF". This was added to the query to get a more accurate result.
6. Sparse Columns - Removed versions before 2016 as those do not have the feature.
7. CTE Views - Removed version 2000 as it does not have this feature.
8. Allocated memory - Query was adjusted to show maximum allocated value instead of current utilization.
9. Cursors - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
10. Database Triggers - There's no schema for Database triggers. The query was modified to take the database as the parent object.
11. Sql server alert - Adjusted query to pick up all alerts and show enabled ones.
12. Unique Identifier Data Types - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
13. Text Data Type - Added support for SQL Server 2019. Filter made more accurate
14. MaintenancePlan - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
15. Merge - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
16. Datetime2 Data Types - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
17. Money Data Type - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
18. Clustered Indexes - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
19. FKs Referencing Partitioned Table - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
20. Indexed Views - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
21. Ntext Data Type - Added support for SQL Server 2019. Filter made more accurate
22. CTE - Added support for SQL Server 2019. Removed first half of this query as it was selecting the same things as the second one and causing duplicates.
23. Xp_cmdshell Added - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
24. Count log files - Query changed completely as old one was not correct. Added support for SQL Server 2019.
25. Server Trigger - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
26. Database Mail - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
27. Global Cursor - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
28. Smallmoney Data Type - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
29. Binary Data Type - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
30. Max Varchar and Nvarchar - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
31. PIVOT - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
32. Image Data Type - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
33. Datetimeoffset Data Type - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
34. Hierarchyid Data Type - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
35. For Update Option - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
36. Geography Data Types - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
37. Geometry Data Types - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
38. Masked Columns - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
39. Stretch database - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
40. Temporal Tables - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
41. ODBC Functions - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
42. PolyBase Usage - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
43. external data sources name - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
44. sp_execute external scripts - Changed filter to look for languages other than R or Python
45. Column Encryption - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
46. Data quality services - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
47. Buffer pool extension - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
48. SQL Server On Cluster - Added versions 2008,2008R2.
49. Database backup file snapshots - Added support for SQL Server 2019.
50. Database backup devices - In SQL Server 2000, all the database files are in sysdevices tables, a filter was added to exclude those.
51. BIT Data Type - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
52. Clustered Indexes - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
53. Database compatibility level - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
54. Cursors - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
55. Datetime Data Types - Filter changed to get more accurate results. Added support for SQL Server 2019.
56. Functions Using Getdate - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
57. Integration Services - The query was changed to cover DTS packages stored in the file system and executed outside of SQL Server
58. Dateadd Functions - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
59. Getutcdate function - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
60. GOTO Option - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
61. Stored Procedures Using MSDTC Queries - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
62. Smalldatetime Data Type - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results. Added support for SQL Server 2019.
63. BULK INSERT - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
64. Checksum_agg - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
65. Count_Big - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
66. Cross Apply - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results. Added support for SQL Server 2019.
67. OpenRawSet - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
68. Outer Apply - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results. Added support for SQL Server 2019.
69. Table Variable - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results. Added support for SQL Server 2019.
70. Sysname Data Type - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
71. Tinyint Data Type - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
72. Unique Identifier Data Types - Filter changed to get more accurate results.
73. Temporary Tables - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
74. XML Data Types - Search string in filter changed to get more accurate results.
75. Full Text Search - Filter changed to get more accurate results.

(aka v1)


Maintenance release - Split query file based on Source DB Engine



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Added a new Encrypted-Wrapped Code query to identify the number of encrypted procedures, functions, packages.



Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. Edition - Shows edition of the SQL Server.
2. Product Major Version - Shows SQL Server major version.
3. Product Minor Version - Shows SQL Server minor version.
4. Always On availability groups - This shows if the "Always On" configuration is enabled or disabled.
5. Always On availability groups status - Shows status of availability groups (e.g. running, failed, etc.).
6. Avg Task Count - Shows scheduled tasks count.
7. Top Total Worker Time for entire instance - Shows top worker total execution time.
8. Total I/O Utilization By Database (MB) - Shows total IO utilization in MB, grouped by databases available on the instance.
9. Top Waits - Shows top wait events time in seconds on the instance.



Adjusted the instance name query to return MSSQLSERVER as a default value in case instance name returns NULL.



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Adjusted the Functions Using Getdate query to improve its performance and output format.



Adjusted the Server RAM query to return RAM value in KB instead of GB. This fixes UI and Export issues which affect mMC collectors with Query DB versions between v291 and v327.



Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. GOTO Option - Using GOTO you can alter the execution flow to a label anywhere within a procedure, batch, or statement block.

2. SCHEMABINDING Option - If a view is created with schemabinding, the base table or tables cannot be modified in a way that would affect the view definition. The view definition itself must first of all be modified or dropped to remove dependencies on the table that is to be modified.

3. View Metadata Option - VIEW METADATA causes SQL Server to return the view name when describing columns in the result set and hide the base tables from the client application. PostgreSQL doesn’t support the VIEW METADATA option in view creation.

4. Global Cursor - GLOBAL specifies that the scope of the cursor is global to the connection. The cursor name can be referenced in any stored procedure or batch executed by the connection.

5. Dynamic Cursor - You can use the SQL Server Dynamic cursor to perform INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE operations. Unlike static cursors, all the changes made in the Dynamic cursor will reflect the Original data.

6. Group By Rollup Extension - The SQL Server GROUP BY ROLLUP is an extension of the GROUP BY clause that creates a group for each combination and adds results into sub-totals and grand totals.

7. Group By Cube Extension - The SQL Server GROUP BY CUBE allows you to generate subtotals like the ROLLUP extension. In addition, the CUBE extension will generate subtotals for all combinations of grouping columns specified in the GROUP BY clause.

8. Group By Grouping Extension - The SQL Server GROUP BY grouping set is a set of columns by which you group using the GROUP BY clause. In simple way The GROUPING SETS defines multiple grouping sets in the same query.

9. Contains Predicate - CONTAINS is a predicate used in the WHERE clause of a Transact-SQL SELECT statement to perform SQL Server full-text search on full-text indexed columns containing character-based data types. PostgreSQL doesn’t support the CONTAINS predicate.

10. Freetext Predicate - FREETEXT is a predicate used to perform a SQL Server full-text search on full-text indexed columns containing character-based data types.

11. PAD Index - In SQL Server, the point of PAD INDEX is to force a minimum amount of free space in your intermediate level blocks.

12. Ignore Dup Key Index - The IGNORE DUP KEY option for unique indexes specifies how SQL Server responds to an attempt to INSERT duplicate values: it only applies to tables (not views) and only to inserts.

13. Allow Row Locks Index - In SQL Sever, if ALLOW ROW LOCKS is off, then SQL will not take row locks on that index. It will only take locks at the page or table level.

14. Allow Page Locks Index - In SQL Server, If ALLOW PAGE LOCKS is off, then SQL will not take page locks on that index. It will only take locks at the row or table level.

15. DATA COMPRESSION Index - In SQL Server, for row-store tables and indexes, use the data compression feature to help reduce the size of the database. In addition to saving space, data compression can help improve performance of I/O intensive workloads because the data is stored in fewer pages and queries need to read fewer pages from the disk.

6. Instead of Trigger - In SQL Server, it is a trigger that allows you to skip an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement to a table or a view and execute other statements defined in the trigger instead.

17. Rowcount function - SQL Server @@ROWCOUNT is a system variable that is used to return the number of rows that are affected by the last executed statement in the batch.

18. UNPIVOT - In SQL Server, UNPIVOT carries out the opposite operation to PIVOT by rotating columns of a table-valued expression into column values.

19. JSON System Function - In SQL Server, If you have JSON text that's stored in database tables, you can read or modify values in the JSON text by using JSON built-in functions.

20. CURSOR SCROLL LOCKS - Specifies that positioned updates or deletes made through the cursor are guaranteed to succeed. SQL Server locks the rows as they are read into the cursor to ensure their availability for later modifications.

21. CURSOR OPTIMISTIC - OPTIMISTIC specifies that cursor does not lock rows as they are read into the cursor. So, the positioned updates or deletes made through the cursor will not succeed if the row has been updated outside the cursor since this row was read into the cursor.

22. Raiserror operator - RAISERROR is an SQL Server error handling statement that generates an error message and initiates error processing.

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