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Single Application

The Single Application page contains data specific to a selected application.

Given no target is selected, the Single Application page displays generic analysis metrics, mostly focused on the Modernization Complexity aspects of the analysis.


The header contains the identity information of the current application. It also includes the option to select a migration target for a source associated with the application and links to the main sections of the page.

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The Single Application page header

The identity information includes the application name, programming language, and its version.

The target selection section displays the DB engine of the source the application is associated with. The Target dropdown lists the available migration targets for the source.

The migration target affects the estimated complexity.

To preselect the optimal target each time you open the page, press the pin icon. To cancel the previously pinned source-target pair, press the unpin icon.


The Overview section contains a graphical representation of the application’s overall complexity and features that contribute to it—their number and complexity impact.

The Overview section

Overall Complexity

The Overall Complexity subsection shows you a gauge meter that contains three colored segments corresponding to the overall complexity level: green for Low, yellow for Medium, and red for High. The arrow of the gauge points to the determined overall complexity level for this application concerning the chosen target.

The Overall Complexity subsection

The overall complexity of the application is affected by two components:

  • Modernization Complexity determines if the application needs refactoring and how difficult it will be to refactor it. It is based on the data collected from the application’s code analysis performed by mMC.

  • Migration Complexity determines the complexity of changing the application from using the current associated source or database, to the selected target at the top of the page.

Each complexity is shown by a linear gauge split into three sections specifying the levels of complexity.

Findings per Impact Level

Both the migration and modernization complexities are determined by features collected from the application and the associated source. In the Findings per Impact Level subsection, the features are split by their complexity impact into three groups represented by boxes named and colored in accordance with the impact level of features they contain. Each box shows the number of features of the corresponding complexity impact.

The Findings per Impact Level subsection


The Summary text describes the application’s overall complexity specifying its complexity score, and the level of work to be performed to refactor the application.

The Summary subsection


The Details section lists key findings collected for any application regardless of its programming language.

The details shown are:






Major language for this application.



Language version.

Lines of Code


Lines of code rounded to the next thousand.

Db Interface Count


A number of all unique SQL text commands, objects (tables, views), stored procedures, or DB commands found.

Oldest Code

Time Interval

Difference between the oldest found file to the mMC scan-date expressed like 1.5y or 3d etc.

Newest Code

Time Interval

Difference between the newest found file to the mMC scan-date expressed like 1.5y or 3d etc.



Any custom tags assigned to this source during scan.

Screen Count


UI screen count from the scan.

Cloud Native


True if any cloud-native indications found.



True if any containerization artifacts found.

Automated Build


True if automated build artifacts found.

Automated Deployment


True if automated deployment artifacts found.

Source Control


True if source control integration found.

Semantic Version


True if the application has a semantic version artifact.



True if the application has any observability instrumentation.

Automated Testing


True if unit or integration test framework exists, code with fixtures or tests found.

Dependency Count


A number of declared libraries in the application manifest, POM file, or similar.

Sub-Module Count


A number of sub-modules in the application, or 1 if no sub-modules were neither detected nor declared.

Data Collection Date


Date the scan was performed, as reported by mMC, in the format of year-month-day.

mMC version


A version of mMC used for data collection.

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The Details section


The Features section lists features that affect the migration and modernization complexity of the application so that you could learn more details about each feature’s impact.

Complexity Level Subsections

The section is split into subsections in accordance with the impact the features have on the application’s migration and modernization complexity.

The number in parenthesis shows the number of features of each complexity level.

The complexity level subsections are expandable lists, expanded by default. To close/open them, press the chevron icon that follows the feature number in parenthesis.

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The Complexity Level subsections

Feature Tile

The Features section displays features as expandable tiles. When collapsed, the tiles contain the following items:

  1. Complexity affinity icon. It shows if the feature is associated with the modernization complexity (cloud icon) or the migration complexity (database icon). Only one affinity link is possible.

  2. Instance-counter indicator. A rectangle that shows the number of instances or contributing items the feature score is based on. Colored according to the complexity level: green for Low, yellow for Medium, and red for High.

  3. Name of the feature.

  4. (Optional) Possible false-positive indicator. If a feature tile has a Possible false-positive icon inside it, the detected feature could have been detected by mistake and should be looked at further by the analysis team.

To get more details about the feature, press the down-chevron icon on the tile to expand it.

After expanding a tile, two additional tabs become available: Info and Location. The Info tab is shown by default.

The Info tab contains the description of the feature. It can:

  • Propose some ways to mitigate the feature’s impact on the complexity.

  • Describe cases when the detected feature can be ignored.

The Info tab for the Statement Count feature

The Location tab shows the tree of expandable nodes with the detected source locations and values the feature is based on.

The counter in parentheses is the number of locations items (files and offset typically) under that label (child counter).

The Location tab for the Containerized feature

Filter Features

To find particular features by their names, use the Search field in the upper-right corner of the Features section. The filter will present features split between various complexity-level subsections.

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Filtered features

Associated Databases

The Associated Databases page shows the sources the application interacts with. It helps to understand the database dependencies the application has.

The associated databases include connected databases determined by identifying drivers during the scanning by mMC.

The Connected Databases subsection contains a table listing source DB engines detected by mMC during the application scan, primarily by the driver(s) the application is using. It has three columns:

  • DB Engine – contains the generic source technology name (e.g. Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc.)

  • Driver – column contains the driver's name or class (e.g. oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver).

  • Version – contains the driver's version.

The Associated Databases section

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