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The Catalog Section shows the list of sources matching the currently set filters, in the order specified by the Sorting Selector.

The terms "source" and "sources" refer to a database or database cluster throughout this page.

Catalog 2.png

The Catalog section showing two sources

Sources that have been excluded via the Databases Management page using database or cluster exclusion are not displayed on this page.

Catalog items are collapsed by default and can be expanded individually.

The item layout has the following sections:

  • Item Header

  • Migration Complexity

  • Detected Features

Catalog Expanded.png

Expanded catalog item

Catalog Item Header

Item headers are DB-engine-specific.

DB Engine

Header Fields

  • DB2 LUW

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • SQL Server

  • Database Name

  • Host or IP (Server name)

  • Instance Name (Version)


  • Database Name

  • Host or IP (Server name)

  • CDB Name
    (info) Applicable to pluggable databases only.

  • Instance Name (Version) or Number of Instances
    (info) Number of Instances is applicable to Oracle RAC only.


  • Zookeeper Quorum

  • HMaster Host

  • Region Servers


  • Cluster Name

  • Cluster Type

  • Cluster ID

The database icon is made of three segments. The segment shading indicates the data volume in the corresponding source. One shaded ring indicates a smaller volume, and three shaded rings indicate a large volume. The volume calculation is total across the source in all schemas, databases, tables, collections, etc.

To see the full analysis of a source, press the icon at the top of the catalog item. The individual database page opens, and the currently selected target is shown on that page.

DB tile.png

Press the icon for full source analysis

Catalog Item Migration Complexity

The migration complexity bar shows the relative complexity of migrating the source to a certain target. When a different target is selected, this complexity can change.

If no target is selected in the Filters section, the migration complexity section on each catalog item is not shown.

DB tile without target.png

Catalog item when a target is not selected

DB tile with target.png

Catalog item when a target is selected

Catalog Item Detected Features

Catalog items contain a scrollable list of features.

The features are ranked by impact: features with high impact are shown on top, followed by features of medium impact, then low impact.

Feature impact is indicated by the accompanying icon color:

  • Red: high impact

  • Orange: medium impact

  • Green: low impact

The impact of a feature changes based on the migration target. If a different target is selected, a new list of features is generated. This can cause a feature that previously appeared for the old target to appear differently now that the new target is being used. Each feature may:

  • Not be relevant in terms of complexity for the new target, and therefore not appear at all.

  • Have a different impact level and therefore be shown with a different color.

  • Show elsewhere in the list.

Scrollable detected features.png

Detected Features on an expanded catalog item

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