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Databases Management

The Databases management page contains a listing of the uploaded sources and allows:

  • Uploading new sources.

  • Configuring feature settings.

  • Performing various actions on the uploaded sources and their features.

Databases listing.png

The Databases management page

In the list, the database icon varies depending on the database type.

RAC icon.png

Multi-server database, e.g. Oracle RAC.

DB icon.png

Single-server database

Actions Panel

The Actions panel contains key actions that can be performed on database sources.

Actions panel 1.png

The Actions panel

Available actions:

Actions Exclude.png

Exclude the selected sources from the migration analysis.

Actions Include.png

Include the selected sources in the migration analysis.

Actions Delete.png

Delete the selected sources from mConsole.

Actions Download.png

Download the selected sources to save them locally in an encrypted format.

Actions Export.png

Export the technical reports for the selected sources.

Actions Source Tags.png

Apply tags to sources for categorization, organization, and filtering purposes.

Databases that are linked to existing TCO projects cannot be excluded or deleted.

General Settings

The Databases Settings page allows choosing features to consider during the analysis.

Actions panel 2.png

The Settings icon

The Features section displays features of all sources uploaded to mConsole. By default, migVisor uses all detected features to calculate migration complexity.

The Status column shows the current feature inclusion configuration:

  • Included – the feature is included in the analysis for all databases.

  • Excluded – the feature is excluded from the analysis for all databases.

  • Partial – the feature is excluded from the analysis for at least one database.

Managing Features

To include in or exclude from the analysis a feature applicable to all databases:

  1. On the Databases Settings page, turn the corresponding feature toggle on or off in the Status column.

  2. Press the Save button.

    General Settings.png

To include in or exclude from the analysis a feature applicable to specific databases:

  1. On the Databases Settings page, press the corresponding feature configuration icon.

    Configuration icon.png
  2. Turn the corresponding database toggle on or off in the Status column.

  3. Press the Save button.

    General Settings, Feature.png

To reset all settings, press the “three dots” icon in the upper-right corner and press Reset settings.

Filter and Search

Use the Filter functionality to:

  • Search by database name or its part.

  • Filter by DB engine, version, topology, source inclusion, feature inclusion, and tags.

  • Sort the list alphabetically (ascending, descending order) using the sort icon next to the column name.

Upload Sources

To upload source metadata collected by mMC, press the Upload Sources button. The supported file extension is MGV.

Use this method when running mMC in offline mode or in case the online data upload fails.

Actions panel 3.png

The Upload Sources button

Select files for the upload in one of the following ways:

  • Click anywhere within the Upload Sources dialog and select files using the file explorer.

  • Drag and drop files into the Upload Sources dialog.

After selecting files, at the bottom of the window, the Uploaded, Processing section opens. It shows the statuses of the files being uploaded: Processing, Uploaded, or Failed.

During the uploading process, a yellow arrow-up icon shows the progress.

To terminate the uploading process, press the X button next to the name of the source being uploaded.

The successfully uploaded files are marked with a green ready icon. In case the uploaded files have components that are not supported by mConsole, the file will be marked with a green stop icon.

The files that fail to get uploaded or contain missing files are marked with a red exclamation icon.

The files awaiting upload are marked with a grey watch icon.

Upload Source dialog.png

The Upload Sources window

To see the results, press the View Log button. The Log page shows all previous uploads and their results. The information is arranged as a table that displays the uploading date, time, file name, and source name of the uploaded metadata file and its upload status—SUCCESS, UNSUPPORTED FILES, MISSING FILES, GENERIC ERROR, or FAILED TO IMPORT.

To get the error ID of the failed upload, press the chevron next to the upload status. Press it again to close the error message.

After viewing the log, perform either of the actions:

  • Get back to the list of uploaded sources by pressing the left arrow icon on the Log page.

  • Close the Upload Sources window by pressing the X button on the Log page.

To clear the list of uploaded sources, remove them one by one by clicking the X button near the source, or using the Clear Completed button.

Reuploading Scan Results

If the same source is being uploaded more than once, the most recently uploaded source replaces the previously uploaded one.

Based on certain fields found in the scan results, migVisor considers a source to be the same as a previous one. If two sources have the same exact values in those fields, they are considered to be from the same source. If they do not all completely match a previous one, migVisor considers the scan to be a new source.

For RDBMS sources, migVisor uses the combined attribute that consists of:

  • Server name

  • Instance name

  • Database name

  • Database version

For NoSQL sources, migVisor uses the Cluster ID alone.

Uploaded Sources

Each uploaded source is presented as a separate row and contains the following information:

  • Source identity. For more details, see Catalog | Catalog-Item-Header.

  • Database engine and its version.

  • Associated applications.

  • Schema inclusion.

  • Feature inclusion.

  • Status.

Additional Details

The Additional Details pane is DB-engine-specific and contains metadata collected for the source in terms of identity, resources, and metrics.

To expand or collapse the Additional Details pane of:

  • A particular source, press the chevron icon in the row.

  • All listed or filtered sources, press the expand icon in the header.

Additional Details pane DB.png

The Additional Details pane of a PostgreSQL database

Database Settings

The Single Database Settings page provides options to:

  • Configure source details.

  • Include or exclude source features and schemas.

Single DB Settings.png

The Database Settings icon

The database settings content is source-specific:

  • Features

  • Schemas


Feature statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The feature is included for the database and for some or all of the database's included schemas.

  • Included (Unused) – the feature is included for the database but for none of the database's included schemas.

  • Excluded – the feature is excluded for the database.


Schema statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The schema is included for the database with all of its features.

  • Included (Partial) – the schema is included for the database with some of its features.

  • Included (Unused) – the schema is included for the database without any of its features.

  • Excluded – the schema is excluded for the database.

When all schemas are excluded in a particular database, this database is not excluded but is presented with a zero scoring without any features in it.

When all schemas that a certain feature belongs to are excluded, this feature is also excluded from the migration analysis.

The exclusion of schemas or features affects the complexity score.

  • Features


Feature statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The feature is included for the database and for some or all of the database's included schemas.

  • Included (Unused) – the feature is included for the database but for none of the database's included schemas.

  • Excluded – the feature is excluded for the database.

The exclusion of features affects the complexity score.

  • Features

  • Databases


Feature statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The feature is included for the database and for some or all of the database's included schemas.

  • Included (Unused) – the feature is included for the database but for none of the database's included schemas.

  • Excluded – the feature is excluded for the database.

The exclusion of features affects the complexity score.


This section contains databases with their collection count and data disk usage.

  • Details

  • Features


The following parameters can be configured:

  • CPU

  • Server RAM

  • Allocated Instance Memory

  • Avg Physical Read Ops/Sec

  • Avg Physical Write Ops/Sec


Feature statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The feature is included for the database and for some or all of the database's included schemas.

  • Included (Unused) – the feature is included for the database but for none of the database's included schemas.

  • Excluded – the feature is excluded for the database.

The exclusion of features affects the complexity score.

Oracle and Oracle RAC
  • Details

  • Target Sizing

  • TCO

  • Features

  • Schemas


The following parameters can be configured:

  • Avg Physical Read Ops/Sec – average number of physical read operations per second.

  • Avg Physical Write Ops/Sec – average number of physical write operations per second.

  • Architecture Layout – virtual or physical.

  • SMT Mode – the number of threads for simultaneous multithreading (SMT-4, SMT-8, or Disabled).
    (warning) Applicable for databases running on non x86 AIX platforms only.

  • Focus Period – a specific period within the collection period to focus on when analyzing the workload and target sizing. By default, the focus period is the collection period configured in [mMC GUI] Scan Preferences.
    (warning) The availability of focus period selections is limited by the actual amount of data found in the database.

Target Sizing

Key Sizing Metrics is used to determine how to size resources in the cloud for optimal performance and cost optimization.

In this section, the following key sizing metrics can be set:

  • vCPU

  • Memory

  • IOPS

  • IO Throughput

  • Disc Space

All metrics are applicable for AWR and Statspack, except for Disk Space, which is configured for AWR only.

Values for each key sizing metric can be set manually or calculated automatically based on the algorithm selection. For automatically calculated values, a percentage adjustment can be added to the selected algorithm, e.g. P90 + 10%.

Until customized, the default algorithms are used.

To calculate VCPU for databases running on non x86 platforms:

  • CPU Thread Mapping Ratio field should be set. For details, see CPU Thread Mapping Ratio.

  • For AIX platforms, in addition to this field, the AIX Mapping CPU Usage Time Adjustment field should be set.
    (warning) Applicable only when SMT Mode is not disabled.


Licensing is used to specify the license agreement type for each uploaded database to be used in the calculation of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

The following license agreement types are available:

  • Processor – default. Select when the license agreement type is based on the number of processors. Requires specifying the licensing factor, which is based on the vendor and processor specification in the Oracle Processor Core Factor Table.

  • Named User Plus select when the license agreement type is based on the number of users (human or non-human). Requires specifying the number of users and the number of devices.

  • ULA – Unlimited License Agreement. Select when there is no limit on the number of users or processors.

Previously uploaded databases automatically adopt the ULA license agreement type.


Feature statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The feature is included for the database and for some or all of the database's included schemas.

  • Included (Unused) – the feature is included for the database but for none of the database's included schemas.

  • Excluded – the feature is excluded for the database.


Schema statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The schema is included for the database with all of its features.

  • Included (Partial) – the schema is included for the database with some of its features.

  • Included (Unused) – the schema is included for the database without any of its features.

  • Excluded – the schema is excluded for the database.

When all schemas are excluded in a particular database, this database is not excluded but is presented with a zero scoring without any features in it.

When all schemas that a certain feature belongs to are excluded, this feature is also excluded from the migration analysis.

The exclusion of schemas or features affects the complexity score.

  • Details

  • Features

  • Schemas


The following parameters can be configured:

  • CPU

  • Server RAM

  • Allocated Instance Memory

  • Avg Physical Read Ops/Sec

  • Avg Physical Write Ops/Sec


Feature statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The feature is included for the database and for some or all of the database's included schemas.

  • Included (Unused) – the feature is included for the database but for none of the database's included schemas.

  • Excluded – the feature is excluded for the database.


Schema statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The schema is included for the database with all of its features.

  • Included (Partial) – the schema is included for the database with some of its features.

  • Included (Unused) – the schema is included for the database without any of its features.

  • Excluded – the schema is excluded for the database.

When all schemas are excluded in a particular database, this database is not excluded but is presented with a zero scoring without any features in it.

When all schemas that a certain feature belongs to are excluded, this feature is also excluded from the migration analysis.

The exclusion of schemas or features affects the complexity score.

SQL Server
  • Details

  • Target Sizing

  • TCO

  • Features


The following parameter can be configured:

  • SMT Mode – the number of threads for simultaneous multithreading (SMT-4, SMT-8, or Disabled).
    (warning) Applicable for databases running on non x86 AIX platforms only.

Target Sizing

Key Sizing Metrics is used to determine how to size resources in the cloud for optimal performance and cost optimization.

In this section, the following key sizing metrics can be set:

  • vCPU

  • Memory

  • IOPS

  • IO Throughput

  • Disc Space

Values for each key sizing metric can be set manually or calculated automatically based on the algorithm selection. For automatically calculated values, a percentage adjustment can be added to the selected algorithm, e.g. P90 + 10%.

Until customized, the default algorithms are used.

To calculate VCPU for databases running on non x86 platforms:

  • CPU Thread Mapping Ratio field should be set. For details on CPU Thread Mapping Ratio, see CPU Thread Mapping Ratio.

  • For AIX platforms, in addition to this field, the AIX Mapping CPU Usage Time Adjustment field should be set.
    (warning) Applicable only when SMT Mode is not disabled.


Licensing is used to specify the license agreement type for each uploaded database to be used in the calculation of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

The following license agreement types are available:

  • Per Core – default. Select when the license agreement type is based on the number of cores (processing units).

  • Server+CAL – select when the license agreement type requires a license for the server and additional licenses for each user or device (Client Access License). Requires specifying the number of CALs.

Previously uploaded databases automatically adopt the Server+CAL license agreement type and the calculated number of unique application hosts as the default value in the Number of CALs field.


Feature statuses can be:

  • Included – default. The feature is included for the database and for some or all of the database's included schemas.

  • Included (Unused) – the feature is included for the database but for none of the database's included schemas.

  • Excluded – the feature is excluded for the database.

The exclusion of features affects the complexity score.

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