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Navigate to migVisor Web Console. On the Navigation bar at the top of the page, press Log In and enter the account credentials.

Login form.png

The Login form

Login Problems

If the login fails, the following notification is displayed:

The Login Failed notification

Ensure the email address and password are correct. Also, ensure that account registration and activation are completed successfully.

Password Reset

The password can be reset using the email address that was used at registration.

Initiate a password reset by doing one of the following:

  • Use the Forgot password? link on the Login page.

    Login Form 1.png
  • Navigate directly to Password recovery and enter your email address.

    Password Recovery.png

In the Password Recovery form:

  1. Enter the email address used at registration.

  2. Press the Reset button.

Check for the password reset message in your mailbox. Follow the password reset link to set a new password for your account.

If there is no password reset email in the mailbox, check the spam folder or contact the migVisor support at for further assistance.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.