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Oracle mQE







Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release
  • Pluggable DB Container Name – Identifies the container name of a pluggable database.

  • Database Details – Provides the main identity characteristics of the database, such as type, edition, version, and security patch level.

  • Internal Database Identifier – Identifies the unique identifier assigned to the database instance at creation time.

  • Global CPU Core Count – Identifies the number of hardware cores at the database level.

  • Global CPU Count – Identifies the number of OS CPU threads at the database level.

  • Workload (AWR) – Provides workload data metrics for the CPU, Memory allocation, IOPS, IO Throughput, and Backup graphs for the AWR repository.

  • Workload (Statspack) – Provides workload data metrics for the CPU, Memory allocation, IOPS, and IO Throughput graphs for the Statspack repository.

  • Enterprise Edition Features – Identifies features available in the database Enterprise edition.

  • Instance Ports – Identifies ports for all instances in the database.

  • Pluggable Databases – Identifies the names of pluggable databases.

  • Data and Temp File Allocated Size – Identifies the total size of all data and temp files on the server.

  • NLS Sort – Identifies the Sort metric for the database.

  • NLS Comp – Identifies the collation behavior for the database.

  • Disk Space (AWR) – Identifies the disk space metrics in a time series format from the AWR repository.

  • Exadata (AWR) – Identifies the Exadata metrics from the AWR repository.

  • CPU Core Count (AWR) – Identifies the number of hardware cores at the instance level for the AWR repository.

  • CPU Core Count (Statspack) – Identifies the number of hardware cores at the instance level for the Statspack repository.

  • Memory Target – Identifies the memory target metric for the database.

  • SGA Target Identifies the SGA target metric for the database.

Updated queries to identify the following features:

List of updated features in this release
  • Database License Edition – Identifies the type of the database license edition.

  • Hostname Name– Identifies the server names where the database is hosted.

  • Instance Name – Identifies the instance names in the database.

  • Server RAM – Identifies the server RAM from all instances in the database.

  • PGA Size – Identifies the PGA size from all instances in the database.

  • SGA Size – Identifies the allocated SGA memory from all instances in the database.

  • Database Uptime – Identifies the uptime from all instances in the database.

  • CPU Count – Identifies the number of OS CPU threads at the instance level.



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Maintenance release



Maintenance release




Adjusted the CHECK Constraints query to improve and refine the data collection results. This query identifies the usage of DDL elements that are not automatically converted by the schema conversion utility.



Added queries to identify the following features for AlloyDB migration insights:

List of new features in this release

1. CHECK Constraints - Identifies the usage of DDL elements that are not automatically converted by the schema conversion utility.

2. Max Database Size - Identifies when the maximum storage limit per cluster has been exceeded.

3. Striim Supported Oracle Sources - Identifies the Oracle versions that are supported by Striim.



Added queries to determine "Read IOPS" and "Write IOPS" metrics.

List of new features in this release

1. Physical Read Total IO Requests Per Sec

2. Physical Write Total IO Requests Per Sec

(aka v14)


Adjusted the Nesting Views Count query in order to improve its performance. This query finds views which have dependency on nested views with the depth value higher than 10.

(aka v13)


Maintenance release

(aka v12)


Maintenance release

(aka v11)


Adjusted a filter to exclude oracle-maintained schema objects from all queries where the filter is applicable.

(aka v10)


Added queries to gather target sizing information.

List of new features in this release

1. Avg Instance CPU Util - Indicates average percent of the CPU utilization.

2. User Transaction Per Sec - Indicates user transaction per Second calculated for the last 30 days interval.

3. User Commits Per Sec - Indicates user commits per second calculated for the last 30 days interval.

4. User Rollbacks Per Sec - Indicates user rollbacks per second calculated for the last 30 days interval.

5. Redo Generated Per Sec -Indicates redo generated in megabytes per second calculated for last 30 days interval.

6. DB Block Changes Per Sec - Indicates DB Block Changes per second calculated for the last 30 days interval.

(aka v9)


Adjusted queries to improve data compaction.

List of features affected in this release:

1. BLOB Data Types

2. Raw Data Type

3. BFILE Data Type

4. Long Data Type

5. NCHAR Data Types

6. ROWID Data Type

7. UROWID Data Type

8. XML Data Types

9. Float DataTypes

(aka v8)


Added the SQL Macros query to identify SQL macros for scalar and table expressions.

(aka v7)


Adjusted the Invisible column query to exclude Oracle internal “guard-columns“ from the result.

(aka v6)


Adjusted queries to aggregate values from all available instances of an Oracle database in case of Real Application Cluster configuration.

List of features affected in this release:

1. Avg 10 Max Active Sessions

2. Max Active Sessions

3. Redo/Sec Peak MB

4. Max AVG Active Sessions

5. Physical Read Total mbps

6. Physical Write Total mbps

(aka v5)


Adjusted queries to improve data accuracy and precision.

List of features affected in this release:

1. Max Sessions - Calculates the number of sessions from all the instances of the source database in case the source is RAC.

2. Max Active Sessions - Calculates the number of active sessions from all the instances of the source database in case the source is RAC.

3. Maximum Allowed Connections - Calculates the number of allowed sessions from all the instances of the source database in case the source is RAC.

(aka v4)


Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. Physical Read Total mbps - Calculates database total physical reads per second in megabytes.

2. Physical Write Total mbps - Calculates database total physical writes per second in megabytes.

(aka v4)


Added a new Tables without PK query to identify tables which do not have Primary Key or Unique constraint.

(aka v4)


Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. NVARCHAR2 Data Type - Identifies tables with NVARCHAR2 data type.

2. Unions per Query in View - Identifies views which have 200+ “union” statements (Spanner limit).

3. Spanner Tables Per Database - Identifies schemas with 5000+ tables (Spanner limit).

(aka v3)


Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. CHAR Data Type - Identifies tables with CHAR datatype.
2. NCLOB Data Type - Identifies tables with NCLOB datatype.
3. LONG RAW Data Type - Identifies tables with the LONG RAW datatype.
4. UriType Data Type - Identifies tables with UriType datatype.
5. NUMBER Data Type - Identifies tables with NUMBER datatype.
6. BINARY_FLOAT Data Type - Identifies tables with BINARY_FLOAT datatype.
7. BINARY_DOUBLE Data Type - Identifies tables with char datatype.
8. TIMESTAMP Data Type - Identifies tables with char datatype.
9. DATE Data Type - Identifies tables with char datatype.
10. INTERVAL Data Type - Identifies tables with char datatype.
11. ANYDATA Data Type - Identifies tables with char datatype.
12. Indexes per Database - Identifies schemas that have more than 10000 indexes.
13. Indexes per Table - Identifies tables with more than 32 indexes.
14. Columns per Index - Identifies indexes with more than 16 columns in key.
15. Joins per Query - Identifies SQL_ID and PLAN Hash values for queries that have more than 20 tables involved.
16. Databases per Instance - Identifies a number of schemas in database excluding oracle managed ones.
17. High View Count - Identifies schemas that have more than 5000 views.
18. Case-Insensitive Names - Identifies objects which have the same name but in a different case. e.g. table CUSTOMERS and "Customers".
19. Nesting Views Count - Identifies views that have more than 10 nested views in its level dependency. E.g. View that is created with a query referencing another view is a one-level nesting view.
20. Index Key Size - Identifies indexes whose key size is more than 8k.
21. Commit Size - Identifies PERC95 value from DB Block Changes Per Txn statistics multiplied by db_block_size parameter value and represents value of approximate (PERC95) transaction size.
22. Reverse Key Index - Identifies indexes with reverse key.
23. Index Key Compression - Identifies compressed indexes.
24. System Partitions - Identifies tables that use SYSTEM partition type.
25. Reference Partitions - Identifies tables that use REFERENCE partition type.
26. Cluster Object - Identifies schema objects that contain data from one or more tables, all of which have one or more columns in common.

(aka v2)


Added a new Tables with ROWDEPENDENCIES to identify tables that have the ORA ROWSCN pseudo column enabled at the row fine-grained level.

(aka v2)



Added a new Function-based Indexes query to identify the use of function-based indexes on the source database.

(aka v1)


Maintenance release - Split query file based on Source DB Engine



Maintenance release



Adjusted queries to reflect pluggable database metrics in case the instance is multitenant instead of showing instance-wide metrics.

List of affected features in this release

1. Avg 10 Max Active Sessions - Top 10 between maximum utilization of active sessions.

2. Avg CPU TimeRatio - Average CPU utilization time ratio.

3. Avg Max CPU TimeRatio - Average between max utilization CPU time ratio.

4. Redo/Sec Peak MB - Top 20 redo generated per second.

5. Avg SoftParse - Average soft parse ratio.

6. Max AVG Active Sessions - Average between maximum utilization of active sessions.

7. Physical Read Ratio - Physical read ratio.



Maintenance release



Added queries to identify information that can be useful in Oracle to Oracle BMS migrations. These insights will be presented in the BMS section of the Migration Insights panel.

List of new features in this release

1. SGA Memory Utilization - SGA memory utilized by the instance since the last restart.

2. PGA Memory Utilization - PGA memory utilized by the instance since the last restart.

3. Segment size allocated - Drop down list of segment types and their size.

4. Archive mode - shows the status of archived log (ARCHIVELOG/NOARCHIVELOG).

5. Force logging mode - shows the status of force logging (on/off).

6. NLS character set - Displays database setting of the character set used by the database.

7. NLS national character set - Displays database setting of the national character set used by the database.

8. DB endian format - Displays endianness used by database platform.

9. Platform - Shows database platform.

10. DB full Version - shows the full version of the database.

11. DB Patch set - Shows PSU version installed on the database instance.

12. DB Compatible level - Displays the value of parameter “compatible” which defines the version of features compatibility for the instance.

13. Tablespace free space - Displays available space inside datafiles.

14. Tablespace allocated size - Displays size of data files on disk.

15. Tablespace with offline files - Displays tablespaces whose files are offline for some reason.

16. Tables with encrypted columns - Shows a list of tables with encrypted columns including tables residing in encrypted tablespaces.

17. Time zone file version - Displays a version of the time zone file used by the instance.

18. Encrypted tablespaces - Displays a list of encrypted tablespaces (TDE).

19. OLAP Cubes - Displays a list of OLAP cubes.

20. Invalid objects - Displays an aggregated quantity of invalid objects grouped by schema/owner and object type.

21. Unusable Indexes - Displays an aggregated quantity of unusable indexes grouped by schema/owner.

22. Tables with locked statistics - Displays an aggregated quantity of tables with locked (preserved) statistics grouped by schema/owner.

23. Tables with stale statistics - Displays an aggregated quantity of tables with stale statistics grouped by schema/owner.

24. ASM Diskgroups - Displays information about ASM disk groups if in use.



Maintenance release



Adjusted the High CPU Count query to align with the CPU cores upper bound on GCP Cloud SQL.

Added a new Encrypted-Wrapped Code query to identify the number of wrapped procedures, functions, packages.



Adjusted queries to exclude lines of wrapped code in stored procedures, functions, and packages from the total lines of code.

List of affected features in this release

1. High Lines Code Count
2. Medium Lines Code Count
3. Low Lines Code Count



Adjusted the Spatial query to show distinct tables which contain columns with SDO_GEOMETRY type.



Adjusted queries to exclude managed schema objects.

List of affected features in this release

1. Compression

2. Oracle Text



Adjusted the Compression query to show the table owner, partition name, and compression type.



Adjusted the Multitenant query to improve result accuracy.



Maintenance release



Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. Insert Partition Extension - Discovers insert statements that specify individual partitions.
2. CONTEXT - An application context stores user identification, which can be used to enable or prevent a user from having access to data in the database.
3. PACKAGE - Discovers oracle package objects in the database.
4. DML Error Log - Discovers the LOG ERRORS clause in DML statements.
5. READ ONLY View - Discovers views designated with READ ONLY privilege.
6. FORALL Statement - Discovers FORALL statements for bulk DML operations.
7. MODEL Statement - Discovers a MODEL clause in DB source code.
8. Domain Indexes - Checks if there is any application-specific index (Domain Indexes)
9. Compound Trigger - Checks if there is a usage of compound trigger in DB source code.
10. Pragma Autonomous Transaction - Checks if there is any subprogram marked with Pragma AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION.
11. Linguistic Sort Sequence - Checks if there is the usage of the NLSSORT function for the linguistic sort mechanism.
12. SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS - Checks if there is a usage of SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS cursor attribute for bulk DML operations.
13. Multiset Operator - Checks if there is a usage of multiset operators to combine the results of two nested tables into a single nested table.
14. VARRAY - Checks if there is a usage of VARRAY (variable-sized array) in DB source.
15. GOTO Operator - Checks if there is a usage of the GOTO statement which causes the code to branch to the label.
16. Global Cursor - Checks if there is a usage of the cursor in package spec to declare as Global Cursor.
17. UTL_MAIL and UTL_SMTP - Checks if there is usage UTL_MAIL and UTL_SMTP package in DB source code.
18. PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT - Checks if there is the usage of pragma EXCEPTION_INIT to associates an exception name with an Oracle error number.
19. DBMS_SQL - Checks if there is a usage DBMS_SQL package to execute SQL statements dynamically.
20. UTL_ENCODE - Checks if there is a usage of the UTL_ENCODE package to encode RAW data into a standard encoded format.
21. Table Function - Checks if there is a usage of Table functions that produce a collection of rows that can be queried like a physical database table.
22. JAVA SOURCE - Checks if there is a usage of schema object containing a Java source, class, or resource.
23. SQLCODE - Checks if there is a usage of SQLCODE which specifies the oracle error code of the most recent exception.
24. SQLERRM - Checks if there is a usage of SQLERRM which specifies the oracle error message of the most recent exception.
25. EXTEND - Checks if there is a usage of the “extend” method to allocates the space for one or more elements in a nested table type or a VARRAY. It’s a collection method built-in function or procedure that operates on collections and is called using dot notation.
26. TYPE METHODS - Checks if there is a usage of a TYPE statement that specifies the name of the type and its attributes, methods, and other properties.
27. Cursor Already Open - Checks if there is a usage of cursor_already_open which is a predefined exception.
28. Program Error - Checks if there is a usage of program_error which is a predefined exception.
29. Cursor Return Type - Checks if there is a usage of the cursor which specifies the data type of a cursor variable return value.
30. Grouping Sets - Checks if there is a usage of GROUPING SETS expression which generate multiple grouping sets in a query.
31. Group By Cube - Checks if there is a usage of Group By Cube expression which generate subtotals for all combinations of the dimensions specified.
32. Group By Rollup - Checks if there is a usage of Group By Rollup expression which produces a group subtotals from right to left and a grand total.
33. Object View - Discovers oracle object views which are an extension of the basic relational view mechanism. By using object views, you can create virtual object tables from data - of either built-in or user-defined types - stored in the columns of relational or object tables in the database.
34. %TYPE Attribute - The %TYPE attribute lets you declare a constant, variable, collection element, record field, or subprogram parameter to be of the same data type as a previously declared variable or column (without knowing what that type is).
35. BITMAP Indexes - Checks if there is a usage of BITMAP Indexes in the source Oracle database.



Maintenance release



Adjusted the Plan Baselines query to show the count of enabled plan baselines instead of listing individual baseline names.



Adjusted the Physical Read Ratio query to round the output result to 3 places after the decimal point.



Added queries to identify the following features:

List of new features in this release

1. Tablespace status - Provides information for tablespace status, e.g. OFFLINE, ONLINE.

2. Tablespace Allocated space in bytes - Provides information about tablespace allocated size in bytes.

3. Tablespace free space in bytes - Provides information about tablespace free space in bytes.

4. PSU Installed - Provides information about PatchSet installed on database.

5. NLS characterset - Provides information about database characterset setting.

6. NLS national characterset - Provides information about database national characterset setting.



Adjusted the Max Active Sessions query to include the sum of sessions from all database instances of a cluster.

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