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Security Best Practices

This page presents actions that a migVisor customer should take to protect their data.

migVisor Metadata Collector

  • By default, the encryption is performed with a default key.

  • User can choose to encrypt their metadata at the end of the scan.

  • Use your own keys to encrypt your metadata. To use personal key, generate it in the migVisor Web Console:

    • User Settings > Encryption control > Generate a key.

    • Download as file.

    • Copy it to the mMC folder.

    • Restart the Collector.

  • Whenever possible, always send scanned metadata directly to migVisor servers by selecting this option on the Collector wizard page - it is always less secure to store it locally.

  • For offline machines, save the scanned metadata encrypted by selecting this option on the Collector wizard page - it is always less secure to store it unencrypted.

Password Management

  • Password must be composed of capital letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • The password must be at least 8 characters long.

  • Do not overuse a password: Do not use a password that has already been used by another application or website.

  • Do not let your browser save your login credentials: If you have let your browser save your password and someone gets into your computer, they can get to your account easily.

  • Do not write down your password: do not write it on a sticky note or create a file that stores your passwords.

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