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TCO Dashboard Overview

TCO in migVisor

The TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) dashboard in migVisor provides estimations for current vs. future costs of sources in client environments when migrated to the cloud. TCO will be reflected as Operational Expenses (OpEx) and residual Capital Expenditures (rCapEx). 

Currently, migVisor supports TCO analysis only for GCP and AWS targets.

TCO Dashboard Header

At the very top of the TCO Dashboard, you can see the TCO Header, where the Complete future total cost of ownership is presented. This is the total cost of all projects in one's portfolio, presented as operational and capital expenses.

Another presented in the TCO Header is the total Estimated migration duration which accumulates the total duration of all the projects in one's portfolio.

The TCO header

The OpEx and rCapEx costs are shown by default by year. There is an option to show the costs by month using the Yearly Costs / Monthly Costs selector.

The default team size to perform the migration project(s) is 10 resources. There is an option to change the team size to be either 1, 5, 10, 20, or 50 resources. This will affect the Estimated migration duration.

When calculating the migration duration the migVisor SMEs rely on the amount of code found in the source. Also, based on the migration plan, they take in mind the amount of automation that can be applied in order to save time. These and other factors are all used in a migVisor proprietary formula that helps to estimate the duration of the migration project. The estimations are ballpark, but they are considered to be firm data in the range when used right (taking into account different migration team sizes, non-inclusion of proprietary schemas not to be migrated in the calculation, etc.).

TCO Dashboard Sections

TCO Dashboard is broken up into the following sections: Projects, Database Inventory and Enterprise Questionnaire.

The Enterprise Questionnaire will only be visible to the account owner and the TCO Trustee. To set up a TCO Trustee, see the Enterprise Questionnaire section.

TCO Calculations

The TCO Calculation of individual source consumes source from migVisor, Cost Calculator and client data.

  • EPAM Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) perform source assessments and regularly enrich migVisor intelligence and capabilities by taking their findings and working together with the migVisor development team to translate these findings into migVisor insights in order to enhance migVisor’s analysis and recommendation capabilities.

  • Sources uploaded into migVisor will become available to the Projects and can be viewed on the Database Inventory page.

  • Inputs from Cloud Vendor around costs will be available to TCO via the Cost Calculator API and vendor supplied pricelists.

  • Client Provided Data is entered in the Enterprise Questionnaire section of TCO.

Once the TCO has been calculated based on the various inputs, it will then show the calculated values for each individual instance as well as for the entire portfolio (Project and/or Projects). One will be able to view the OpEx and rCapEx costs for all projects on the TCO Projects page, for each project on the Projects Details page and for each instance on the Cloud Instances and Instance Groups pages.

Future Source TCO Blueprint

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