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Account Security

The Account Security section allows managing mConsole passwords and the encryption keys used to encrypt and decrypt mMC artifacts.

Only account owners or users with Account Trustee roles can manage account security settings. For details, refer to Account Data → User Management.

Encryption Key Control

The encryption key used by mMC at scan time must match the encryption key defined in mConsole for the upload to succeed.

Encryption Key.png

Encryption Key Regeneration

A new encryption key is generated by pressing the Regenerate Key button. Regenerating the encryption key implies that metadata encrypted with previous keys will become unusable and not uploaded to the account. Upon pressing the Regenerate Key button, a warning appears:

Data collected with mMC using the current key will become ineligible for uploading and analysis.

Acknowledge the consequences by pressing the Regenerate button within the warning message, or Cancel.

Updating Encryption Keys in mMC

Updating the key in mMC after regeneration via mConsole can be done in the following ways:

  • Working with mMC in online mode

    • mMC automatically downloads the most up-to-date encryption key prior to the scan while in online mode. No manual action is needed.

  • Working with mMC in offline mode

    • The encryption key value can be copied to the clipboard and pasted manually within mMC (Preferences → Data Encryption → Encryption Key).
      To copy the key, select the encryption key’s value and copy it to the clipboard, or simply press the Copy button.

    • The encryption key file can be downloaded by pressing the Download button. The key file must be placed in the root folder of mMC prior to the scan.

In offline mode, the “Download” and “Copy” methods presented above are currently suspended. To manually update the encryption key in mMC, select the encryption key’s value from mConsole, then copy and paste it within mMC to update the existing value.

Password Management

The Password section allows changing the migVisor credentials.

Password (change date).png

To change the password:

  1. Press the Change Password button.

  2. In the Additional Authentication dialog, enter the current password and press the Continue button.

  3. Enter a new password and confirm it.

  4. Press the Change Password button to save the new password.

The new password must be different from the current password.

A valid password must meet the criteria described in Authentication | Password-Requirements.


To reset the password, press the Reset Password button and follow the Login | Password-Reset procedure.

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