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User Management

Account owners and trustees can form a group of migVisor users by inviting additional users to the account. All users under the account share a single analysis dashboard, with different abilities, based on their designated roles.

Additional users are managed under the User Management section on the Account Management page.

User Management is available only for account owners and users with Account Trustee role. For more details refer to User Management | User-Role-Management.

User management actions do not apply on user’s own account.

User management actions do not apply on account owner’s account.

Inviting Users

To add a new user, click the Invite User button and fill out the invitation form. The system will send an activation link to the user email address you provided in the form, asking them to complete the registration process.

The new user must click on the Complete Registration button in the email, which will take the user to the Login page.

The activation link is valid for a fixed period of time. It expires 5 days after the invitation was initiated.

Managing Additional Users

Active Users

After new users complete the registration process, they appear in the account Users list, which contains the user's details, their roles, and their status:

Pending Users

Users who have not responded to the migVisor registration invitation will show in the list with the Pending status.

Pending users can be either reinvited or removed from the system.

Reinviting a user may be necessary in cases where the invitee failed to activate the account on time, and the activation link expired, preventing the invited user from completing the registration process.

Press Resend invitation to send a valid activation link to the pending user’s email address.

Press Remove to delete the pending user permanently.

Removing Additional Users

To remove users from the list, open the context menu located at the right side of the row of the specific user to be removed, and press Remove.

A deleted user cannot log in. If a deleted user tries to log in, login fails with the generic message:

Wrong email, password, or account is not activated.

User Role Management

The Account Owner can designate additional users with different roles - all of which are disabled by default.

Managing User Roles

To grand or revoke users’ roles, open the context menu located at the right side of the row of the specific user to be managed, and press Manage access.

Users with sufficient permissions can change additional user roles by checking or unchecking the desired role’s checkbox.

For the new capabilities to take effect, already logged-in users must re-login.

User Roles

User Role



  • Explore mConsole in read-only mode to view its main pages:

    • Portfolio

    • Databases

    • Applications

    • TCO

  • Analyze sources and applications already uploaded to the dashboard

  • Perform TCO analysis via the TCO dashboard for sources already in the dashboard

  • Download previously uploaded sources

  • Export analysis reports

(info) Additional users are assigned with the Viewer role by default.

Data Trustee

All permissions granted to Viewer users, plus:

  • Download migVisor Metadata Collector (mMC)

  • Upload or download scanned sources and applications data to and from mConsole

  • Delete or edit existing scanned sources and applications data

  • Exclude features, schemas, applications and sources from the analysis

  • Add or delete custom tags

  • Use the Account Security tab

TCO Trustee

All permissions granted to Viewer users, plus:

  • View the TCO Enterprise Questionnaire section on the TCOdashboard

  • Edit the Enterprise Questionnaire data to influence the current and future costs under the TCO dashboard

Account Trustee

All permissions granted to Viewer and Data Trustee users, plus:

  • Add or remove users

  • Add Data Trustee role to other users

  • Re-activate or delete a Pending User

This role does not allow granting Account Trustee role to other users.

(info) The Account Trustee role can only be assigned to users with the Data Trustee role. You must first check the Data Trustee checkbox - otherwise the Account Trustee checkbox is disabled.

Account Owner

All permissions granted to Viewer, Data Trustee, TCO Trustee, and Account Trustee - without limitations.

(info) Account Owner role is only granted to one user in the account.

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