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migVisor Metadata Collector (mMC)

To download mMC, go to mConsole → Source Management. For details, see Source Management.

⚠ Only Account Owners and Data Trustees can download mMC. For details, see User Management.

migVisor Metadata Collector (mMC) is a tool that scans data sources and collects their metadata. At the end of scanning, mMC produces file(s) with scan results. Then, mMC either uploads them to mConsole or saves them locally. Finally, mConsole performs analysis based on these scan results.

Data source is either a database or an application. mMC accesses data sources by the data source configuration.

mMC can be run using a single executable, allowing utilizing either the command-line interface (CLI) or the graphical user interface (GUI):

  • mMC CLI offers a more straightforward approach. It allows inputting the data source configurations and scanning the data sources immediately.

  • mMC GUI provides a wider spectrum of data source configuration management capabilities. It allows discovering data sources, testing connectivity before scanning, and archiving data source configurations.

Command Prompt window must remain open while running mMC.

Do not run more than one instance of mMC at the same time.

mMC has two operation modes—online and offline. For details, see [mMC CLI] Operation Modes and [mMC GUI] Operation Modes.

mMC is able to scan either single sources or a set of sources set in the configuration file:

  • Scanning single sources is available both in GUI and CLI modes but it’s more reasonable to use it in the GUI mode. The GUI mode allows filling in the source parameters in a separate window tailored for each source type.

  • Scanning a set of sources from the configuration file(s) is also available in both modes but it’s more reasonable to use it in the CLI mode. CLI mode allows passing in one command a whole set of configuration files of all supported formats, and the scanning parameters.


For the mMC requirements, see Requirements.

Source Connection

mMC connects to sources using the network interfaces or hosts you supply to it.

For the supported sources and source-target support matrix, see Supported Sources and Targets.

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