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Instance Groups

The Instance Groups page provides an overview of the groups of instances created in the scope of the current TCO project. Instance groups can contain both source instances and cloud instances.

The page provides information on the costs associated with each instance group by providing breakdown information of Migrating vs. Retained vs. Retiring sources, Modernize vs. Migrate migration paths, as well as an estimated duration per each group alongside current and future OpEx and rCapEx costs.

The page displays the following sections:

Projected Pathway

Total number of sources that will be migrated, modernized, retained, and retired, and the associated OpEx and rCapEx cost:

  • Migrate. Sources will be migrated from the current environment to the cloud instance. The source and target DB engines are the same.

  • Modernize. Sources will be migrated to the cloud instance, and changes in the source are required as the source and target DB engines are different. Applicable for GCP platforms only.

  • Retained. Sources will remain in the current environment and will not be migrated to the cloud instance.

  • Retiring. Sources will be retired at some point in time.


Total number of instance groups, estimated migration duration, and current and future OpEx and rCapEx costs for each instance group.

Instance Groups

List of the created instance groups that can be managed.

Contains the columns:

  • Group Name. The name of the instance group. Editable field.

  • Description. The description of the instance group. Editable field.

  • Migrate. The number of sources that will be migrated from the current environment to the cloud instance, where the source and target engines are the same.

  • Modernize. The number of sources that will be migrated to the cloud instance and require changes in the source as the source and target engines are different. Applicable for GCP platforms only.

  • Retained. The number of sources that will remain in the current environment.

  • Retiring. The number of sources that will be retired at some point in time.

  • Estimated Duration. The estimated duration of the migration. This value does not indicate the time required for source retirement.

  • Current OpEx. The current OpEx cost for the sources.

  • Current rCapEx. The current rCapEx cost for the sources.

  • Future OpEx. The future OpEx cost for the sources.

  • Future rCapEx. The future rCapEx cost for the sources.

Instance Groups.png

The Instance Groups page

The page is filled in automatically based on the details entered on the Database Instances page.

Instance Groups Operations

On the Instance Groups page, you can create or remove instance groups, as well as edit their names and descriptions.

Creating Instance Groups

To create an instance group:

  1. Press the Create button in the Instance Groups section.

  2. Provide the name and description for the instance group in the Create Instance Group dialog.

  3. Press the Create button.

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The Create Instance Group dialog

The new instance group will appear in the list.

Created Instance Group.png

A created instance group

Removing Instance Groups

To remove an instance group:

  1. Select an instance group from the list in the Instance Groups section.

  2. Press the Remove button.

  3. Confirm the removal.

If you remove an instance group, it will remove the cloud instances as well as all sources associated with the instance and will return the removed sources back to the Database Inventory as Unassigned.

Editing Instance Groups

To edit an instance group name or description:

  1. Press the group name or description in the Instance Groups section.

  2. Enter new data into the field.

  3. Press Enter.

Edit Instance Groups.png

Editing a group name or its description

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