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Configuration File

mMC uses configuration files to receive a list of data source configurations.

Create and edit configuration files using any plain text editor.

mMC supports configuration files in CSV format.

CSV configuration files can be of two types:

  • Multi-type CSV that can contain configurations for different data source types.

  • Single-type CSV that can contain configurations for sources of a specific DB engine type.

Configuration File Format

mMC automatically detects the following delimiters: space, tab, comma, colon, and semicolon. However, mMC also allows setting any delimiter of any length manually.

To be interpreted by mMC, configuration files must have correctly defined headers.

Configuration files may contain both database and application data source configurations. If a configuration file contains both databases and applications, mMC scans only data sources that correspond with the database or application keyword in the command.

If a configuration file is single-type, its name must end with _<DB_engine>.csv. For example, config_oracle.csv or sources_sqlserver.csv. The supported DB engine names are db2_luw, hbase, mongoDB, mysql, oracle, postgresql, and sqlserver. In single-type configuration files, the DB Engine header is not required.

If a configuration file is multi-type, it’s recommended to use any name apart from those reserved for single-type configuration files.

If a DB engine is specified in a file name but the file itself contains multi-type data source configurations, mMC ignores data sources that don't match the DB engine specified in the file name.

For sample CSV configuration files, see Sample Configuration Files.

Database Scanning Parameters

Database scanning parameters are engine-specific.

Sources with duplicate connection names are scanned and saved with a numeric suffix.

If there are several values for required parameters, the source is scanned with the value from the first occurrence, and subsequent values are ignored.

If there are incorrect values is of optional parameters, the default values are used.

Engine-Specific Parameters


The following options apply to DB2 LUW sources.

Parameter Name for CSV and TXT



DB Engine


Set to db2 or db2 luw to identify a data source as a DB2 LUW database and enable DB engine-specific headers.



Data source name.

This name must be unique among all data sources scanned at the same time.



Set to true (default) to scan the data source. Set to false to skip it.



Database hostname or IP address.



TCP port. 50000 by default.

Database ID


Database ID.



Database user name.



Database user password.



Set to true if SSL/TLS protocols are applied. Set to false (default) if not applied.

CA Certificate


Required, if SSL/TLS is true. Certification Authority (CA) root certificate path.



Tag(s) to assign to the data source.

The maximum tag length is 32 characters.


Parameter Name for CSV and TXT



DB Engine


Set to hbase to identify a data source as an HBase database and enable DB engine-specific headers.



Data source name.

This name must be unique among all data sources scanned at the same time.



Set to true (default) to scan the data source. Set to false to skip it.

Zookeeper Quorum


Required, if no HBase Config value is provided. ZooKeeper host.

Zookeeper Client Port


ZooKeeper port. 2181 by default.

HBase Master Port


HBase master port. 16000 by default.

KRB5 Config


Kerberos configuration file path.

HBase Config


Required, if Zookeeper Quorum is not set. Required, if KRB5 Config is set. hbase-site.xml file path.



Required, if KRB5 Config is set. Kerberos principal name.

Keytab File


Required, if KRB5 Config is set. Local keytab Kerberos authentication file path.



Tag(s) to assign to the data source.

The maximum tag length is 32 characters.


The following options apply to MongoDB sources.

Parameter Name for CSV and TXT



DB Engine


Set to mongodb to identify a data source as a MongoDB database and enable DB engine-specific headers.



Data source name.

This name must be unique among all data sources scanned at the same time.



Set to true (default) to scan the data source. Set to false to skip it.



Cluster hostname or IP address.



TCP port. 27017 by default.



Cluster user name.



Cluster user password.



Tag(s) to assign to the data source.

The maximum tag length is 32 characters.

Cluster name


User-defined cluster name.



Authentication type. The available values are none, basic (default), ldap, and x509.



Set to true if SSL/TLS protocols are applied. Set to false (default) if not applied.

CA Certificate


Required, if SSL/TLS is true. Certification Authority (CA) root certificate path.

Secret Key


Required, if SSL/TLS is true or if authType is x509. CA secret path.

Public Key


Required, if SSL/TLS is trueor if authType is x509. CA public key certificate path.


The following options apply to MySQL sources.

Parameter Name for CSV and TXT



DB Engine


Set to mysql to identify a data source as a MySQL database and enable DB engine-specific headers.



Data source name.

This name must be unique among all data sources scanned at the same time.



Set to true (default) to scan the data source. Set to false to skip it.



Database hostname or IP address.



TCP port. 3306 by default.

Database ID


Database ID.



Database user name.



Database user password.



Session timezone name.

For the available timezone name values, see the NAME column in the time_zone_name table in the



Tag(s) to assign to the data source.

The maximum tag length is 32 characters.

Extended Scan


Set to true to use the Extended Scan mode. Specify Scan Duration and Sample Interval. false by default.

Scan Duration


Required, if Extended Scan is true. Total number of seconds for query execution in Extended Scan mode. Must be a positive integer from 1800 to 86400 inclusive.

Sample Interval


Required, if Extended Scan is true. Single interval length (in seconds) within the total duration for query execution in Extended Scan mode. Must be a positive integer from 600 to 1800 inclusive.


The following options apply to Oracle sources.

Parameter Name for CSV and TXT



DB Engine


Set to oracle to identify a data source as an Oracle database and enable DB engine-specific headers.



Data source name.

This name must be unique among all data sources scanned at the same time.



Set to true (default) to scan the data source. Set to false to skip it.

Workload Repository


Workload repository. The available values are awr (default), statspack, dynamic-views.


Utilizing Oracle's Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) can offer a comprehensive workload analysis including deep insights and requires a paid license. Confirm that AWR data retention and proper licensing is in place before proceeding with this option. To allow for comprehensive analysis, when selecting a custom collection period, make sure to select a time range that encompasses relevant workload trends and peaks.


Utilizing Oracle's Statspack can offer a comprehensive workload analysis similar to AWR, and is free to use. Confirm proper setup and configuration before proceeding with this option. To allow for comprehensive analysis, when selecting a custom collection period, make sure to select a time range that encompasses relevant workload trends and peaks.

Dynamic Views

Oracle's Dynamic Views primarily contain aggregated information collected since the last instance startup. Although it is readily available and free for immediate use without the need for additional licensing or configurations, data acquired through this method may lack the granularity needed to assess system load over time, and therefore, choosing this option will result in an inadequate representation and analysis of workload and target sizing information.

Scan Duration


Required, if Dynamic Views is set as a workload repository. Total number of seconds for query execution. Must be a positive integer from 1800 to 2592000 inclusive.

Sample Interval


Required, if Dynamic Views is set as a workload repository. Single interval length (in seconds) within the total duration for query execution. Must be a positive integer from 300 to 3600 inclusive.



Database hostname or IP address.



The TCP port for the database. 1521 by default.



Database SID or service name.

Service Name


Required, if no SID value is provided. Database service name.



Required, if no Service Name is provided. Database SID.



Database user name.



Database user password.



Tag(s) to assign to the data source.

The maximum tag length is 32 characters.



Oracle Container Database (CDB) flag. If set to true, set CDB SID, CDB User, and CDB Password.



Required, if Is CDB is true. CDB Service ID.

CDB User


Required, if Is CDB is true. CDB common user name.

CDB Password


Required, if Is CDB is true. CDB common user password.


The following options apply to PostgreSQL sources.

Parameter Name for CSV and TXT



DB Engine


Set to postgresql to identify a data source as a PostgreSQL database and enable DB engine-specific headers.



Data source name.

This name must be unique among all data sources scanned at the same time.



Set to true (default) to scan the data source. Set to false to skip it.



Database hostname or IP address.



TCP port. 5432 by default.

Database ID


Database ID.



Database user name.



Database user password.



Tag(s) to assign to the data source.

The maximum tag length is 32 characters.

Extended Scan


Set to true to switch to the Extended Scan mode. Specify the Scan Duration and Sample Interval parameters. false by default.

Scan Duration


Required, if Extended Scan is true. Total number of seconds for query execution in Extended Scan mode. Must be a positive integer from 1800 to 86400 inclusive.

Sample Interval


Required, if Extended Scan is true. Single interval length (in seconds) within the total duration for query execution in Extended Scan mode. Must be a positive integer from 600 to 1800 inclusive.

SQL Server

The following options apply to SQL Server sources.

Parameter Name for CSV and TXT



DB Engine


Set to sqlserver to identify a data source as a SQL Server database and enable DB engine-specific headers.



Data source name.

This name must be unique among all data sources scanned at the same time.



Set to true (default) to scan the data source. Set to false to skip it.



Hostname or IP address.



TCP port. 1433 by default.

Database ID


Database ID.



Required, if Windows Authentication is false. Database user name.



Required, if Windows Authentication is false. Database user password.



Tag(s) to assign to the database.

The maximum tag length is 32 characters.

Windows Authentication


Set to true to use Windows Kerberos authentication. Set to false (default) if using SQL Server authentication.

Extended Scan


Set to true to switch to the Extended Scan mode. Specify the Scan Duration and Sample Interval parameters. false by default.

Scan Duration


Required, if Extended Scan is true. Total number of seconds for query execution in Extended Scan mode. Must be a positive integer from 1800 to 2592000 inclusive.

Sample Interval


Required, if Extended Scan is true. Single interval length (in seconds) within the total duration for query execution in Extended Scan mode. Must be a positive integer from 300 to 1200 inclusive.

Trust Server Certificate


Set to true to trust the server certificate during the scan process. false by default.

Application Scanning Parameters


Parameter Name for CSV and TXT





Data source name.

This name must be unique among all data sources scanned at the same time.



Primary language. Options: JAVA or CSHARP.



Application root folder path.

For Windows, in the application location, use the double slashes instead of the single slashes.



Set to true (default) to scan the data source. Set to false to skip it.



Primary dialect. The available values are Oracle, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2LUW, and HBase.

Sample Configuration Files

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