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Custom Tags

Tags are used to categorize, organize, and filter sources in mConsole. Users with sufficient permissions can change tags and assign them to sources.

Tags are managed in the Actions panel on the Databases and Applications pages.

Tags in Actions panel.png

The Tags icon on the Databases page

Tags are included in subsequent exported reports.

Tags in report.png

Tags in an exported report

Displaying Existing Tags

To display the tags assigned to a source, select the source and press the tag icon in the Actions panel.

Initially, tags can be assigned while scanning a source in mMC and later on edited, deleted, or added in mConsole.

Tag statuses:

Tag status3.png

The tag is assigned to the selected source. If multiple sources are selected, the tag is assigned to all of them.

Tag status1.png

The tag is assigned to sources different from the selected ones.

Tags status2.png

The tag is assigned to one or more of the selected sources.


The tags assigned to the selected database source

Assigning Tags

To assign a tag to selected sources:

  1. Select the sources to tag.

  2. Press the tag icon in the Actions panel.

  3. Search or create a new tag to assign to the selected sources:

    • If there are no existing tags, enter a new tag name in the Create new field, and then select the newly created tag in the Tags Selected section.

    • If there are existing tags, enter a new or an existing tag name in the Search or create new field, and then select it in the Tags Selected section.

  4. Press the Save button.

Tag Naming Convention

  • 1–30 characters allowed.

  • Lowercase letters a-z or numbers 0-9.

  • Hyphen - can be used as a special character, but not at the beginning or end. Consecutive hyphens are not allowed.

  • Spaces are not allowed within tags. Leading and trailing spaces are automatically removed.

Removing Tags

To remove a tag from selected sources:

  1. Select the sources to untag.

  2. Press the tag icon in the Actions panel.

  3. Deselect the tag in the Tags Selected section:

    • Pressing a selected tag unassigns it from all selected sources. If the tag is no longer assigned to any other source on the page, it disappears from the list.

    • Pressing a partially selected tag unassigns it from all selected sources. Its status changes to deselected, or the tag disappears if it's not assigned to any other source.

  4. Press the Save button.

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